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It is common practice today for bloggers and online business to fake testimonials... that's a nice way of saying they lie about them and make them up. Every testimonial below is from a real person who uses Linky Tools:

People Are Talking: 
By Name/Link 
We were frustrated with other linkies... TM
Amy and I are so grateful that you've set up Mclinky. We HAD BEEN struggling with linking up our site until Linky Tools and quite frankly, it's been frustrating! We use it at the Internet Cafe Devotions site for Cafe Chat and Drops of Inspiration! Great job! BIG, HUGE thanks for helping us serve women around the world!
The Best Thing that Ever Happened to My Blog was MckLinky KB
Wow, one million! That's fantastic!!! Linky Tools is the best thing that has ever happened for my blog. I'm a fairly new blogger. Each week, the number of readers is increasing, especially on Tuesdays! I have readers that never would've found me without McLinky. I also enjoy the tutorials that you give us, so much useful information, and it's ours for the taking--absolutely free. Thanks, Brent, and congratulations on hitting 1,000,000 so quickly! Kathy
Wonderful Service! Beth Niquette
LinkyTools has been the most wonderful addition--thank you for your service. I can't say enough good about it.
Got lots of new visitors... SM
Thank you so much for creating the Linky Tools! I use it as a permanent giveaway listing on my blog and I also participate in the Blog Hops. I participated in the Introduction Blog Hop and received a lot of new visitors to my site. I also loved discovering new blogs as well. Great Job and many thanks to all the sponsors who make it possible and for all your hard work!
Cannot believe the traffic CK
I cannot believe the amount of people that have visited my site because of Linky Tools. I love it, and have met some really cool people, as well as found some fantastic blogs because of it. Thank you!
Lots Of Visitors LS
What a wonderful idea Linky Tools is. I love and hope have lots of visitors to my site because of this great site.
More hits than ever before... AL
I think that Linky Tools is wonderful! Easy to use and this weeks Blog Hop brought more hits to my site than ever before! I am a small blog and always looking for more traffic, Linky Tools seems to be helping with that!
All Thing Linky Are Easier! Kim
I want you to know that you are doing a fabulous job. I appreciate your hard work and your knowledge on all things linky. You've made it so much easier to have link up parties and such.
Meeting New People EH
The blog hop has allowed me the oppurtunity to "meet new people." Linky Tools is great and easy to use! I enjoy being able to visit other blogs at the click of a button and see what other people have to write about. The blog hop is a wonderful addition to the blogging community! Linky Tools is reliable and easy to use. Once you enter your blog name and link, you have access to a whole network of blogs. Linky Tools is a great service to the blogging community.
Helped increase my traffic... JB
I LOVE Linky Tools! It is easy to use and has helped increase my blog traffic! Not to mention, I now have new followers who would have never found me nor I them!
From 20 entries to 250! Di Coke
I've used Linky Tools at for three years as a convenient and compact way to organise giveaway lists. It's well worth the small subscription fee - what started as a linky with 20 giveaways listed by myself now has up to 250 added by bloggers every month. I benefit from the regular visitors and backlinks, the bloggers benefit from the entries to their giveaways, and sweepers/compers benefit from finding all the giveaways listed in one place.
5000 Member Blogs Running Blog Hops LC
I’ve seen other mom bloggers they went from new blog in FEB to over 5000 members and they run weekly blog hops...
Tripled my visitors in a week... KS
Being new to the world of blogging, I LOVE Linky Tools! Linky Tools makes it easy to find an endless list of blogs - plus the hits on my website has tripled in less than a week!
Many great new blogs... DF
The new Linky Tools service is great. I have discovered many great blogs through their Blog Hops, and am working on an idea to use it for my own carnival.
Brilliant and easy AN
The Blog Hop is fun and easy to use. The idea of having the same list on every blog, with new additions from a single point, is a brilliant one--and the setup is very user-friendly.
Found Me via Blog Hop JB
I love Linky Tools because it is so easy to "blog hop." A lot of people have found my blog because of it, as well as I have found many new favorites! It was easy to add to my post and I am looking forward to the next blog hop!Thanks again!
Drives traffic to my blog... SM
McLinky's Blog Hop is a wonderful tool to drive more people to your blog and to meet tons of new people. I am enjoying all of the great blogs and building many new friendships because of it. Thank you McLinky :)
Sponsors are kind and generous... TH
I love this blog hopping thing here are just a few reason's... I had trouble finding blogs to read and now I have over 800! The sponsors are incredible and generous people! I wasn't getting many visitors and now I am! Thank you Brent Riggs for coming up with this awesome hopping idea!
Have met many new people... AL
I am LOVING Linky Tools. It is so easy to use and I love that you do the weekly blog hop. It gives Linky Tools a feeling of community, it's not just a tool. It has already helped me meet many new people. Great work!
You Rock! Josie
Brent, thanks so much. You and your Linky Tools rock my world :)
Love it! SD
Thank you for the Linky Tools Blog Hop, I have so much fun browsing new blogs. I have already made new blogging buddies and followers, love it.
Worked perfectly... SM
Hi Brent. I just wanted to say, I used your new link system yesterday for my meme on Thursday. I was not wanting to deal with Mr. Linky's issues, as I believe that they were having problems in the last few days. This new link worked perfectly, and trouble free. Thank you so much for an easy link system. I even forwarded an email to a friend who uses ML on Friday's and could not get it to work, she used your new link and no problems.
More visitors! AG
I have had so many more visitors to my blog. It's been a blessing to see it all grow and to interact with people who share the same interests, hobbies, locations and beliefs.
Traffic went up dramatically! Jon F.
The blog hop is a really great feature that you developed. The hits to my blog increased dramatically after I added my address to the list.
Outstanding fun! TP
You are doing an outstanding job and the blog hop has been so much fun.....I have visited over 500 blogs and seen amazing photos. I would love to sponsor one week.....
Quick Responses Cielo
Thank you so much for always responding so quickly and so effectively.... I appreciate what you do to make blogging better...
Loving the Blog Hop! MM
I am loving the Blog Hop! What a fun, quick, easy way to find great new blogs! My followers have nearly doubled since the first Blog Hop!
Quadrupled Site Visits KB
I've been meaning to write and thank you for starting the blog hop. It is a wonderful thing for those of us fairly new to blogging. My site visits have quadrupled on Tuesdays, and I've gained a few regular readers as a result. I know it takes time to plan and do things like the blog hop, and I appreciate it very much.
The traffic on my blog is AMAZING with Linky Tools Juila S.
I wanted to set up a creative writing challenge for children that would provide a safe way to share each other's work. Linky provided me with an excellent service and gave me the confidence that should I need support it would be available very quickly. I have now spread my challenges to three and the stats on my blog are amazing! Thank you Brent!
Love this blog hopping.. RH
I love this blog hopping thing here are just a few reason's: 1.I had trouble finding blogs to read and now I have over 800 YeAh! 2.The sponsors are incredible and generous people (((HUGS)))! 3.I have not had many visitors and comments,but now I am! Thank you Brent Riggs for coming up with this awesome hopping idea!
Has drawn a lot of new visitors... MB
The Linky Tools Blog Hop is so easy to use and has drawn a lot of new visitors to my site. I also love "hopping" to new sites and have found many new blogs to follow. I plan to participate in all the blog hops!
More comments than ever... NG
I love the Blog Hop! I have received so many more comments on my blog than I ever have in the past.
New traffic already! LP
I just discovered Linky Tools from another blogger's site. I love it and it is giving me new traffic to my blog!
More visits than ever... DP
I?ve had more visits to my blog than ever through the blog hops. And I?ve discovered lots of new blogs that I love, including one in Northern Ireland. How?s that for blog hopping around the world? Love it and thank you so much!
A new record in comments for my blog... AB
It was so neat to be able to connect with other bloggers. The amount of comments I received was a new record for my blog! Thanks for doing this!
Increased participation! PC
Using Linky has improved the participation in my meme and I really appreciate having it as a tool!
Improved my blog traffic... MZ
Linky Tools improved my traffic by over 100 visits for several days straight! I highly recommend it!
Increased trafffic.. HR
The Blog Hop is so much fun. I've made new friends, increased traffic to my blog and even picked up new followers. Thanks so much Brent!
my idea has spread like Wildfire Lucy M
I have been using the Blog Hop Linky tool every week for six weeks, running my Fat to Fit Blog Hop. The idea was to gain support amongst of other bloggers who were trying to lose some weight. Through using the Blog Hop Linky Tool, my idea of Fat to Fit has spread like Wildfire. I now of around 40 different blogs linking up weekly, and this number increases every week. Obviously, my hits and followers increase weekly as a result too, which is wonderful!
Safe and easy... AS
Linky Tools is SO easy to use and I love knowing that it is safe. I have enjoyed meeting all sorts of new bloggers and reading their stories. THANK YOU!"
Increased traffic and new friends RN
Through your blog hops and other information that you so graciously share, not only have I learned new things, I have met new people (from all walks of life) and I have increased traffic to my sites even though I have only been blogging since June...Now granted..I just started..But I have traffic from people that I would otherwise never reach...Thanks for all the work that you put into your sites and the information that you share with us!!
Never had so much traffic... BP
I absolutely love Linky Tools. I have met many new bloggie friends and have never had so much traffic. Thank you so much.
Highest Page View KM
I just have to say thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!! My page views are already my highest in the past 2 weeks!
Hoping for a dependable linky service... Kimba
Since I host a sizable weekly party on my blog, I have been hoping for a linky service that is functional, dependable and easy-to-use. Linky Tools came on the scene and fulfilled my wish perfectly. Linky Tools functions beautifully and consistently. And the service is unbelievable! Brent has been lightning fast in addressing issues and questions. I had a request last week and within 10 minutes I had received an email saying, "It's done!". Now that's service! The best part is that Linky Tools goes beyond simply hosting blog parties with great tools like the Picture Caption Linky Tools and articles about Building a Better Blog. Clearly, the folks at Linky Tools know what bloggers need and work hard to provide tools that make our blogs better."
Very impressed... QC
Linky Tools is GREAT! I have really enjoyed getting new visitors and being able to easily find Blogs that I am enjoying! i am very impressed with how quickly Brent responds when there is an issue, he's working hard to make this tool a success!
Tons of traffic and still coming... SH
I had almost 700 pageviews on my blog during the Blog Hop yesterday and they are still coming! It is definitely working to connect bloggers with a new audience and new blogs to read!
A great service! JW
Thanks so much for the new Linky Tools. Not only is the design fabulous, but I discovered a number of wonderful new blogs I otherwise may never have seen, and even corresponded with a couple of new "bloggy friends". Thanks for such a great service!
Finding New Blogs is GREAT! SP
The Blog Hops have been wonderful. While I have noticed increased traffic during blog hops and enjoy getting the new visitors, I think the wonderful thing is for ME to go out there and find new blogs that I enjoy! Thanks for doing this, Brent! You're bringing lots of people out in blog-world together!!
Brent Went the Extra Mile For Me Miz Helen
A year ago I started Full Plate Thursday a weekly linky recipe exchange. I was a novice "techie" and didn't have a lot of knowledge about linky or how it worked. Brent has been so kind and patient with me this past year. We walked through a blogger re org and other technical challenges though the year and he was always very prompt to respond to me and into an immediate solution. He walked more than an extra mile with me often times helping me with issues that were not even a linky problem. Full Plate Thursday will be celebrating a one year anniversary this week and I owe part of that success to Brent and his service in Linky Tools. Thank You Brent! Miz Helen's Country Cottage
A great way to get more... MW
I think the Blog Hop is a great way for bloggers to get more traffic and to find more blogs to read. It's been fun looking at everyone's pictures this week.
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