Saturday, May 26, 2018

End of May 2018 Progress

A Heart a Day for the Month of May
I have been enjoying  hand appliqueing hearts onto these 4 inch squares.
This challenge came from Deb at Happy to be Scrappy
I missed one day but have caught up. Have no idea where this will lead,
but it has been an interesting lesson in slowing down and doing one small thing consistently.
 I decided that if I do it in the morning it is enjoyable, but, if I leave it until night, it becomes something that HAS to be done and is no longer fun. There are still 6 to stitch.
This is one of my new 6 & 6 for 2018 Challenge.

Bright Jane
This one came out to play this spring and the  superscrappy RSC  colour for May has been pink/rose.
 I am using one of my Featherweights. I have been doing foundation piecing on the blocks this past year because I have all the foundation patterns prepared and printed onto Carol Doak's special paper left over from my first Dear Jane quilt that I completed in 2014 but am still machine quilting.
I added sashing strips to the right side and bottoms of most of the finished blocks
in preparation to assemble the top some day.
The blocks are 4 1/2 inches. There will be 169.

I had all 60 completed blocks and the bright border flags up on the design wall and asked the little boys to take them down and put them into project boxes. They could not reach the top row even on the 3-step stool. But I have new converts to play with my blocks.
 Jonathan had walked into the quilt room and exclaimed "WOW!" when he saw them. 
David had not noticed but came and gave me hugs and kisses first.

Dear Daughter
My OMG one-monthly-goal for May was to complete the hand applique on 4 blocks and add the sashing and cornerstones. I was ahead since I made several extra donuts and 3 alternate blocks. Next month there will be a couple of flower blocks. I intend to make the easier ones and skip the more intricate if I can. But then there will be 2 bird blocks in November and I am looking forward to making them. These blocks finish at 8 inches and the sashing is 3 inches.

Huguenot Friendship Quilt
After sewing on the Dear Daughter sashing and cornerstones, I changed the thread to red silk and continued machine appliqueing these blocks with a fine straight stitch using the Bernina.
 It is really boring but this is an impulse project and I work on it between other things.
It will get exciting again when I can put the border together after
all the blocks are complete and the center assembled.
These 36 blocks will be 8 inches set on point with alternate white squares and setting triangles
with an applique border.

Antique Wedding Sampler
For some crazy reason, I pulled out the kits I purchased from Homestead Hearth 2-3 years ago and started working on just one block. Then, since I was prepping corner appliques for one, it was easy to prep them for 2 others, so I did. I had photocopied the patterns onto extra heavy freezer paper and cut out the diamonds and triangles for 3 sunflower blocks when I was in Shipshewana in April.
I stitched these together by hand using an English paper piecing technique.
 Still not decided if I like doing this or not.
These blocks are 12 inches. There will be 25 of them set on point.

Yes. I did work on 2 more Morrell blocks. And I completed them.

All 105 pieces of the 3 Flying Geese units.
 I still have several more blocks that I had prepped ready to foundation piece
a couple of years ago. There will be 60 ten inch blocks and
a 20 inch center block.

90 Day One Big Thing
I completed one course for my Doctorate in Christian Counseling
and submitted it. 
I continued working on another only to discover that,
where I thought I was close to the end, there were still no less than 12 more books to read
an entire 12 week study to work my way through.
Oh well. It will be a good foundation for my dissertation.
Good thing I bought all the books when I first started it 2 years ago.
This course is about bringing healing to broken women.

And all this because I stopped playing computer games.
 Imagine that. 


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  1. Replies
    1. It is amazing what one can do when the computer is turned off and you stay home.

  2. Lovely projects on the go......goodluck with your study .... That is still lots to do......... .

    1. Thank you. There really is a lot more than I thought and they have suggested yet another new course.

  3. Wow, you have been busy. All nice quilts and blocks.

    1. Thank you. I have started being busy on purpose.

  4. Great blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts and congrats on your finish.

    1. Thanks for offering the incentive. This is one goal I try to meet every month.

  5. Sending time playing computer games or even reading quilting blogs really does eat up the time. All of your blocks are beautiful but I like the Morrell block the best.

    1. I turn the computer off for most of the day, but need to have it on to write up notes for school and then it is so easy to just check what else is going on.

    2. Wow this is the first time I've come across your blog and I love it. Your projects are just so my style and you've done so much work. How many hours do you put in a day and how do you work the rotation on your projects. I'm such a newbie, it took my ages to prep my first block for Lydia's Pride the other day and I'm just so proud of myself. Then I see all this. Wow! again. Please let me know the answers to my questions, I neeeeed help. You've so inspired me to climb higher. xx

  6. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we're not on the computer! LOL
    That antique wedding sampler block looks really hard! Enjoy your hand stitching!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

    1. Thanks Kathy. For me the hard part was picking which one to work on. Getting those triangles sewn together was a challenge. The rest is simple applique when you figure out which ones need to be sewn down first. The leaves go behind the center circle.

  7. You have been busy. So many beautiful projects going on during your study. Good lucky reading all those books.

    1. Thank you Ivani. I see that you are doing lots and lots of rainbow challenge blocks. They are so colourful.

  8. Oh my goodness! You mean I really need to get off Facebook and stop playing garden escapes and candy crush? Sigh.. you are correct. Great job making so much progress on so many projects. Love that the boys noticed the blocks and give great hugs! Enjoy the stitching.. and reading! You have a lot on your plate.

    1. I have actually been turning the computer off completely some days but then need to turn it back on to type out notes. And listen to music. And check my mail. and see what my family is up to on facebook. And check for new comments on my blog. Candy Crush was my downfall until I reached a level impossible to complete so started over to collect a lot of . . . I have not played since end of March.

  9. I admire your desire to complete your doctorate. I have my Master's in Math and no desire to continue. I love all the projects that you have in progress. You've been busy.

    1. I guess it depends on when and why you got your degree. I went back to school in my late 40s after my kids grew up. I love the learning.

  10. Wow, I am impresses at all your projects and the progress you are making. Plus you have time to get some readying done.

    1. thank you. The little boys returned today after a 10 day absence and I have to go supervise their construction site outside.

  11. You have so many wonderful projects you are working on! Your statement about doing the hand stitching in the mornings being fun and at night being a chore is true for me too. The earlier in the day I get something done the more enjoyable it is for me. Computer/phone games/movies are a big time suck for me. I'm working hard to step away - it's easier now that nice weather is here. :) Thanks for sharing all your projects on MCM!

    1. Its fun doing it at night too but the hearts were a challenge to do one each day and I wanted to accomplish that. I still have 4 to go.

  12. Hi Chris,
    WOWEE! So many things to comment on, I can't possibly remember them all. First of all, good wishes on your doctorate. I lived through my bestie getting hers and realize what a commitment and how much work it is. Keep on - you CAN do it. I did all the typing for her and still have nightmares about APA footnotes. I just adore your flag border - that is SO cool. Happy Memorial Day! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. I am so jealous that she had someone to do all the typing! I do my own and my own proofing too.

  13. Wow! You've accomplished a lot. I'm impressed. Such pretty work. I'm impressed with your working on a doctorate. I earned my masters in early childhood education when I was 55. I know how hard it is.

    1. I started on my masters at 56. The quilting keeps me sane most days.

  14. No computer games eh? That is a great amount of sewing!!

    1. I used to spend hours every day playing "just one more" game.

  15. LOL, that is funny that you mention the computer games...they're quite a distraction! But with the home situation here, they've also kept me sane. A time for everything, right? I'm glad you're having success with the activities you love!
