Friday, January 26, 2018

End of January 2018

I know it is not quite the end of the month yet, but I have 2 whole days to myself and I want to get caught up on a few things before the little boys return on Monday morning. We have spent the last 19 days in a row  together. Twice I made the journey home with them for the weekend and will again next week for another 11 days with the two most adorable little boy grand children.
David turned 2 and it was like a switch was flipped and he entered the next stage of his young life. His vocabulary is increasing daily and he uses almost full sentences. I adore his hugs and compassion.
Jonathan, at 3 1/2, has entered the delightful pre-school stage where he uses his words communicating his thoughts and has the most delightful laughs and giggles.
I got this simple foundation pieced 8 flying geese unit made for Serendipity and for my one-monthly-goal.

For patchworktimes 2018-ufo-challenge the nunber was 10 and that was Biblical Blocks 2.
Well. What can I say? 
I pulled it out and put it up on the design wall and made a list of what still needs to be done on it.
 It sat up on the wall for a week, then I put it back in the box and prepped 4 BTCT blocks
I was going to be away for 2 weekends and needed some hand work. 
And since BTCT is on the list, this will be my offering for the challenge this month
so that I will still have 2 complete months to tackle the Biblical Blocks. 
Stitched down the one large yellow flower. 

Added the cream centers on the flowers and a few more leaves. 
The wreath is stitched on the outside and the inside still needs to be done. 

Finished the bowl. 
Will I go back and straighten the bottom? 
Who knows. 
Buds are back-basted in place and
I used the Go cutter to cut a few flowers. 

Again, I used the GO cutter to cut the flowers and centers. 
They will all be askew by the time I am done.
Some of the leaves are under the stems and
some are beside and others on top. 

And I have a new project for 
More on this next time. 

Linking with    one-monthly-goal  lovelaughquilt  mid week makers  BOMs Away  let's bee social  needle-and-thread-thursday  can I get a whoop-whoop  slow sunday stitching  needleandthreadnetwork   patchworktimes 2018-ufo-challenge  pomegranateandchintz 2018-challenge/  


  1. It's hard to make progress with little ones around but you're blocks are looking good!

  2. Love making geese. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal.

  3. How are you liking the Huguenot set? Are you getting the laser cut fabric pieces to do it?

    1. I bought the whole kit and kaboodle on impulse late one night when the ad first appeared. I had lots of Kona snow in my stash waiting for something.
      I am not enjoying cutting all the tiny bridges to separate the laser cut precuts. However, I have 7 blocks pressed onto back ground squares awaiting the machine applique. I will be using silk thread to match to begin. the blocks will be set on point and they finish at 8 inches.

  4. Nice applique work! I love the pattern and your reproduction color choices.

  5. Wow, you have been very busy. I loved seeing your progress on all of those beautiful pieces.
