Wednesday, December 13, 2017

6 & 6 for 2018 Challenge With Pomegranate and Chintz

Meredithe has a new challenge for 2018. 
Simply choose 6 ufos that could be carry-overs from the 2017 list
and work on 6 new projects throughout the year. 
You can read more details here.
I was not planning to start 6 new projects next year but you never know what could happen. 

My 6 ufos list for this year. 

  1. Serendipity
    The plan is to make remaining blocks in the designated colour each month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 
  2. 1857 album Quilt
    This one is so close. Only 12 blocks left to applique by hand then assemble and machine quilt.
  3. Disappearing 9-Patch
    I made this one several years ago. All it needs is a border and quilting. I thought I could practice some domestic machine quilting with rulers. 
  4. Shades of Pemberly
    Started this more than 10 years ago. Those 70 degree triangles still have me scratching my head but should be easy enough to connect all those rows evenly. I hope. 
  5. Biblical Blocks 2
    This is one of Rosemary Makhan's patterns I started in about 2004. There are only 6 more nine inch squares to make then assemble the thing after removing all the freezer paper from behind all the appliques. 
  6. Dear Jane
    I am finally going to hand quilt this top that I started Oct 2009 and completed Sept 2014.
    I will be doing the big stitch technique using perle cotton. I am aiming to do a bit every day.   

(there are at least 3 drunkards path blocks in this post. Can you find them?)
linking with


  1. LOOK HOW MUCH PROGRESS YOU MADE ON YOUR 1857! Oops, sorry for yelling. I was just amazed!

      yelling intended.
      I will post progress later this month. I really do more than just dream and write goals and plans. Some days I even do a bit of house work.

  2. Housework so interrupts quilt time! Looking forward to seeing the progress on all of these - thanks for sharing today!

    1. Oh yes. Housework. It just occurred to me that since the Christmas house party has shifted from our daughter's home to the Farm because my Sweet Farmer Husband does not have someone to leave in charge of milking the cows for this weekend. It will be here next weekend and all the grandchildren will be here for a sleepover. I still need to wash a few more sheets and make up the 9 beds and the couch. I might even vacuum and clean both bathrooms. Definitely clean both bathrooms.

  3. OOH...this sounds like a good challenge....thanks for the heads-up! Oh, and your quilts are beautiful :)

  4. I like this challenge too. This I can work with. The 17 in 2017 didn't work out as I had hoped because so many new (opportunity/quilt ministry) projects came up. Great choice of projects to work on.

  5. Your Jane quilt is gorgeous. I'll encourage you to work on that project!

    1. I plan to get it layered and basted right after all the grand kids go home after the holidays. Then I plan to quilt for "20 minutes a day" or something simple like that. Or maybe I can get the older ones (10, 5 and 4) to help.

  6. All of these are gorgeous! I'm particularly partial to the Serendipity Sampler (would love to do that one), your 30's DP9P and of course your Jane. You are gearing up for a great 2018!

    1. This was the Sentimental Stitches and Dear Jane QAL for 2012. They suggested doing the 100 blocks in red and white to commemorate the Infinite Variety display from a few years before. I found the QAL on Dec 30 just 2 days before it was to begin and did not have enough of one colour to work with for a whole year so I decided to use a different Jinny Beyer Pallet colour for each block since there are so many of them and I had them all. I am using the yellow more than once since there is only one yellow in the pallet.

  7. Oops in my last comment I was thinking of Benjamin Biggs, not 1857 Album, sorry!

  8. Wow, you have some great projects to work on this year!

  9. love the projects you have chosen! I don't "plan" to start 6 new projects either :)

  10. I love all your quilts....and found the Drunkard's Path blocks! I like your idea of quilting 20 minutes per day, that's the way to get it done. I have a large one that I need quilted for our quilt show in May. My method for this one is to try to get one square foot of quilt quilted per day just to make sure it gets done!

  11. Delighted that you are joining in with the challenge - looking forward to seeing your progress. Anne

  12. Your Shades of Pemberly quilt is leaving me with stars in my eyes!! Love it!

    1. I pulled it out again the other day top see what I have to do. I have to find the sashing strips I cut out way back in summer 2006. It was hard to find a solid black back then.

  13. Well, the six you chose are very beautiful and worth finishing.

  14. Just put my post up, picking 6 of the projects I didn't finish last year. I only put one new so far, but after seeing your post, I think I will add a disappearing 9 patch to that list as I have 2 matching charm packs that would be awesome for that.
