Saturday, September 30, 2017

September Reflections

I cannot believe that it is the end of September already. It seems like I just got back from Rwanda the other day but I have been home for six whole weeks. I did three blog posts about my trip (one,  two, three ) and plan to do one more but not yet. I have had too many thoughts and feelings about Rwanda to process too quickly. I did a live facebook video to share at one church and am doing a fifteen minute highlight of our trip at a women's conference in a couple of weeks. 

In the meantime, a new school year is upon us and my little girl has gone back to school. She is doing her masters in an intense one year program at a university close to us. So, every Monday she packs up her two little boys and drives the 3 hours to the FARM and goes to school. Then on Thurs night, I pack up the boys in her van to meet her and she drives home, only to do it again the following week. We are one month in and only ten more to go. Today we sat down with our calendars and plotted out her schedule. It appears that I can take the time mid April to go to the Shipshewana Retreat. I am going there in November. 

It has been fun to have the two little boy grand children here so often for sleepovers. It has been wonderful to spend so much time with my daughter after her living on the east coast for fourteen years. I do not have to catch a plane to visit her these days. The boys are accepting and respecting that Mommy is at school or in the other office doing homework. 

I have not gotten much quilting done this month. My One Monthly Goal was to complete this block. As you can see, I got one little diamond sewn on but it is bigger than the others and I might re-do it. I guess it depends on how the fourth one will look when I get it stitched on. There is still the one inch saw toothed frame to make. 

Morrell Block # 36

So much for being so super organized. My planning  has not helped advance these blocks much. October's RSC colour is pink. I have nine foundation blocks ready to go. Wonder how many I will actually get done this month? We shall see.

Bright Jane Block # D-7

This Beyond the Cherry Trees block has traveled with me around the world and back a couple of times. My omg-one-monthly-goal for October will be to complete the hand applique on this block. There are only six green flower bases and a roundish wreath to go. That is doable. Isn't it? 

BTCT Block # 14

And I finally and completely finished this block. I put in the last of the embroidered stems. They will keep all those grapes from rolling away. I plan to hand quilt this thing one square at a time. Someday. 

BTCT  Block # 16


Linking with:  omg-one-monthly-goal   midweek-makers BOMs Away  sewfreshquilts   needle-and-thread-thursday   can I get a whoop-whoop   Slow Sunday Stitching   esther's WOW    needleandthreadnetwork   quilter's monday  


  1. Being organized is always nice when it happens, it just never seems to last long enough. Making progress though. The Dear Jane block looks great.

  2. I think you've been very busy; all your projects are growing. I'd call that success. You can't really spend the whole day at the sewing machine with two little boys running around!

  3. Wow you are so busy... hope you have a chance to relax with some hand stitching today!

  4. Enjoy your applique. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  5. Family trumps all, and this is a time for family. It sounds as if you are doing a great service for your daughter, and it isn't going to last all that long. You'll miss those boys when she finishes. Good for her for going on to the Master's. Slow progress is still good, or even none, if that's how it works out. =) Best of luck on your October goal.

  6. Lovely Blog Chris I'm rush around trying to do every thing before family arrive from France in two hrs Looking forward to more photo from Rwanda Hugs Glenda

  7. Bits of ORANGE through the month. Looking forward to seeing what you do with PINK in October!!

  8. Lovely progress!Found your blog through the link.

  9. Wow - lots of great hand work! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Getting organized seems to be the easy part for me...staying organized an hour later is a whole other story. Love the blocks you showcased in the post. You do beautiful work! Happy sewing! Andrea

  11. Your investment in your daughter and your grandchildren will be well worth it, as I'm sure you know. Bless your heart! I find that in this stage of my life, a lot of time goes into my daughter's family as well....I'm blessed. Your projects are so beautiful and the quality is amazing! Thank you for sharing! That orange block inspired me to be a better quilter! Thank you! :) hugs!

  12. beautiful applique. thank you very much for sharing and making my day a bit brighter

  13. Sounds like you are going to be super busy for the next 10 months! Lovely applique projects.

  14. What a wonderful blocks, Chris. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Your blocks are beautiful. Enjoy this precious time with your grandsons.
