Friday, February 24, 2017

End of February

I did not get my Simple Simon top quilted for 
I did get some major house cleaning done 
for the open house book signing party. That was fun. 
I have been waiting for some helps to sandwich three tops to quilt. They are coming on Monday night.
I did cut and prepare the binding. Hope there will be enough since I have no more of this fabric. 
If not,  could add some other colour. 
Maybe.We shall see. If there is enough. 

I got one Bright Jane block done for the RSC challenge. 
It's the top left one. foundation pieced.
But then, that's all I had promised to do. 
These are all the aqua/turquoise blocks made so far.

 I sewed up the twelfth block for the Civil War blue $10 quilt. 
Today I am connecting all the blocks together with a border print. 

 I sewed the binding on to the Brown Crazy Patch.
Now what are the chances of finding the exact correct left over fabric 20 years after making the thing? 
I hadn't seen it for years then when I went to the fabric cupboard 
the other day to get something else, it was just laying there. 
On top of something. 
Right there.

 I switched to some hand embroidery for the BTCT blocks.

 I had forgotten how simple and relaxing embroidery can be.

  Must do more of it. Mostly outline and back stitch.

 Devan decided that this block needed some extra grapes
and glued them on last night when I turned my back while babysitting.

That's about it for now. 
We had a record setting 18C yesterday 
so I took Ava out for ice cream.
Just because we could. 



  1. Oh my! you got a lot done! Love those aqua blocks and all of your projects. Good work!

  2. So much done this week! Love the embroidery on the appliqué blocks. Love ice cream in February =). What a treat.

  3. The aqua blocks are so pretty. I like the center bottom one a lot. Good job on the repro block, nice,choice of,fabrics. I don't do appliqué, but wish I could make such charming blocks. ,Keep up the good work!

  4. Lots of good sewing happening with you. Your teal/aqua RSC blocks are so sweet!

  5. Another pretty turquoise block to add to your collection!!

  6. So many beautiful projects going on over there! Love those applique blocks!
