Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 2017 OMG Finish

I did complete the Simple Simon top. This was one of the workshops Linda Collins gave at the Shipshewana Retreat in November. It took about two weeks longer than I had intended, but I did not plan to take the three hour drive my daughter three times in the past two weeks to help with the boys who were all sick and she was not getting any sleep. I did shush the baby each night and he even slept through the night twice in a row the day he turned one. But no more after I left.

Simple Simon Flimsy

I have yet another helper in the quilt room. Devan is three and a half and certainly has a mind of her own. It was her idea to put the blocks on the design wall. But this after I had suggested it and put the blocks on a chair in front of the empty wall and went to do something else in another room.

New Helper

She pushed the step thingy around herself and patted, not petted, the blocks to stay on. You pet the dog she told me. Okay. Now I know.

Miss Independence

Ta dah! She even pulled the antique princess feather block off the shelf to add it to her masterpiece. We had to (cringe) pin it on since it would not stick.

I back basted the wreath onto this BTCT block. This is the one I inadvertently pressed the markings off last week. I am stitching on this this weekend watching foot ball with my Sweet Farmer. Not that I care about foot ball (horrors) but I do like to spend time with my Sweetie. And why am I back basting the wreath? This way there will be no seam to join or connect.

BTCT Block # 9

Connecting to 
 needle and thread network.
Esther's WOW 



  1. So many squares. So very good.

  2. lovely quilt, love your helper and how her mind works, patted not petted!! too funny and look what a artistic masterpiece she made. She will love seeing this picture when she is older, and now too for that matter. take care from Iowa

    1. Thanks. I wonder if she will notice or say anything when she sees that I have already taken it off the wall. I put all the jane blocks up in order so I can choose the colours for next month.

  3. Simple Simon is gorgeous! Now what? Borders or no borders? Congratulations on meeting your One Monthly Goal!

    1. I sewed 2 borders on then realized I had cut the strips too short to put on the other 2 so will piece in a corner square. The borders will be 2 inches and I have just enough reddish fabric from the same collection for the binding. that will be my Feb OMG.

    2. So you are going to get her quilted right away? Can't wait to see her. What is her size?

    3. She finishes at 72 inches square before the 2 inch border which really is insurance to keep all those tiny seams from stretching out. I have set a deadline of quilting up 6 quilts before Easter. I really am a sucker for punishment. But it is all doable as long as I stay away from the computer for 23 hours a day.

  4. That Simple Simon really looks good, Chris. And you have plenty of time to spare!

    1. thanks Monica. It doesn't seem like time to spare with all the other things I am trying to juggle this month. And I am trying to figure out just when I will begin the 150 Canadian Women and if I will prewash or not.

  5. Congratulations - Simple Simon is an AWESOME finish!
    Devin is such a little darling, what a great little helper she is too.
    Your newest BTCT block is beautiful. You've been wonderfully productive.

  6. Congratulations on finishing the Simple Simon top, it's lovely! You are very lucky to have a creative helper on design wall duty. Hope the family is feeling better.

  7. Nice finish! And what a lucky gal you are to have such a sweet helper to arrange the blocks for you. ;-)

    1. Thank you. I am very blessed to have 3 granddaughters that love to spend time in my quilt room, even if much of that time now is on one of my computers.

  8. Congrats on finishing your top.

    1. Thanks. I bought some white batting and now to get help to sandwich it for next month's OMG.

  9. Oh she is precious...the petting versus patting just cracked me up! :)

    1. She was quite serious. But I am still chuckling.

  10. Pretty quilt top. Congrats on your finish and thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal.

    1. Some times I have the same goal for several months then surprise myself and actually reach it. Then I have to figure out the next goal. Thanks for hosting OMG.

  11. Fantastic finish. You have such a sweet helper that did a wonderful job "patting" the blocks...😊

    1. thank you. I wonder how many other blocks I can find for her to "Pat" onto the design wall and still keep her interested?

  12. lovely quilt and I think you have a quilter in the making.

    1. Thanks. The little one has her own scrap box with Dear Jane scissors and now a glue stick. However, she has learned to use my desktop computer with the 23 inch touch screen and sits there so quietly when she visits.

  13. Your helper is doing a great job. Lovely blocks.

  14. Replies
    1. She is adorable. I wonder if she will notice that I changed the design wall again when she arrives here this afternoon for a sleep over.

  15. Busy week but that flimsy at the top is a super pattern!

  16. Simple Simon caught my eye, congratulations on finishing the top a great accomplishment.

    1. now to get the thing sandwiched and quilted.

  17. Wow.It´s absolutely fantastic!

  18. Adorable photos of Miss patting the blocks in place... such sweet memories!
