Sunday, October 23, 2016

Slow Sttching on Trains and Planes

I prepped a couple of new blocks to take with me to India. I started with the centre wreath using the back basting technique.

It does not look too shabby. I did some stitching on trains, some on planes and some in my hotel room. Tonight I am working on  the 17 circles at home.

BTCT Blcok # 10

 I had the cherries and some of the grapes done here a very long time ago. I stitched on the fruit and leaves on the train but silly me, I had not threaded enough needles and put the spool of thread in my checked bag. So I prepped the next layer of stems today. Still not sure what fabric or colour that bowl will be and still a few grapes to stitch. I think I will switch to the Karen K Buckley Perfect Circles.

BTCT Block  # 21

Stitching on a 15 hour train ride in India.

 I started with the yellow buds and the leaves. However, the humidity dulled the markings on the back so I was not able to see them to continue the back basting of the next layer of leaves.

BTCT Block # 9

More on India next time.


  1. Oh my goodness you are brave! Your applique is well travelled!

    1. I could not resist starting a couple of new blocks to take to India since I have stitched some from this quilt in England, Poland, Australia and even the Hong Kong airport.

  2. You had quite a set-up to enable yourself to work on the applique. What were you doing in India?

    1. I got serious about hand applique when I learned to do needle turn hand applique and I travel a lot so I figured out how to take along blocks to stitch and equip my box with everything I need including a portable lamp and extra batteries.
      I was on a ministry trip. Last one was 4 years ago. I will be posting about it later this week.

  3. 15 hours on a train sounds uncomfortable to me - glad you had your stitching along with you!!

    1. It's not that bad really. We could lay down to sleep anytime on the first ride. The second train, on our way home, we had to sit up for 6 1/2 hours. that's the one I did not have enough needles threaded.

  4. Wonderful progress Chris!
    And what a great use of time while traveling!
    Enjoy your trip.

    1. I got home 4 days ago and am so jet lagged! So instead of doing any of the things on my to-do list, I started prepping the next 5 blocks.

  5. Lovely to see you sitting there on the train Chris you look well settled in your nest you made LOL. How time flies when you have a needle in your fingers, like you I look forward to sitting in airports waiting for planes I get soooo much sewing done LOL. Cheers Glenda

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Clare. It certainly works up faster if you are enjoying the journey.

  7. What an exciting adventure! And a great project for travel.

    1. It was an exciting adventure. I like to keep my hands busy and 15 hours on a train is a long time to be doing nothing.

  8. Oh, I have always wanted to go to India! Let me know next time and I'll tag along. I'll thread your needles for you -LOL. Beautiful work as always, Chris. Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gonner.

  9. I love the picture of you on the train and your travel kit idea.
