The garden is buzzing with life. If you are privileged enough to have a birdhouse, you also have the opportunity to follow the birds up close. I love being in the garden and hearing the day begin with just a few birds singing - to end in a heavenly symphony of birdsong. This card is made with a new digi stamp from
Haven summer af liv. Er du så privilegeret at have et fuglehus, har du også mulighed for at følge fuglene tæt på. Jeg elsker at være i haven og høre dagen begynde med blot et par fugle i sang – for at ende i en himmelsk symfoni af fuglesang. Dette kort er lavet med et nyt digistempel fra # 26
That is until Sunday night.
This even despite the storm on Saturday evening/night. Only at night (approx. 00.30) did I have to go out in the garden and around our house, to if see if everything was all right. There had been some very noise/sounds... it turned out that our small greenhouses, where our 4 tomato plants are, had fallen over.
I got them back up, but when the first strong wind came, one fell over again. Up again - and with my arms protectively around them both, it dawned on me that I couldn't save them if I didn't do anything.
The plastic that made up the greenhouse was in pieces, but was still lifted up and down, depending on which way the wind came. I then decided to remove the plastic. I remembered that a friend, Gerda Nørgaard, had once told me that she had had tomato plants out in the open... now my little tomato plants had to show if they can withstand the wind... so I removed my protective arms, and removed what was left of the plastic that protected them. Now,we just have to wait and see.
I hd not planned to go to Church. I lacked sleep due to everything a few hours before. but when our daughter called and asked if I wanted to come, I said, I would love to.
It was lovely to participate in our church service, sitting beside her - I love her so very much. She has so many talents, but most of all I admire her for standing up for what she belive is right - even if ofthers do not agree with her. Time and time again it has turned out SHE was right.
Afterwards we picked up Mads, our grandson, he came to our house and played most of the afternoon. At one point he was playing Minecraft out in the garden. He has a wonderful imagination.
Later, while Lars and I ate a late dinner, help came from the Outgoing group fra the Nursing home: It was time for medicine and getting ready for the night. We asked if it was all right, if Lars just got the medecine, and I would helphim later when we had finished eating.
Suddenly Lars started to cough, then his face turned deep red. He couldn't breathe!
All little tricks in the book didn't work, the helper even performed the heimlich maneuver on Lars - he just started to go limp - then 911 was called.
An ambulance came with the serine going, and right after came a doctor in an medical taxa. During approx. 5 minutes there were suddenly many people in our little home. Again the heimlich maneuver was performed and the 3rd time the medic team did it - they got a free passage.
So what happened? Lars has dysphagia after neck surgery for a herniated disc. This means that he has difficulty eating some things, as it get hidden in a "pocket" in his throat: rice, peas, corn, spaghetti etc. but also tablets. A large tablet had become stuck! It took a lot of effort to loosen it again.
Fortunately, it went well. Lars was shocked and tired. He went to bed straight afterwards, but as he still had the urge to cough, he had to partially sit up and sleep. Today he is all right and we are thankful that he has not been hurt.
Take care of each other. Life is fragile. Be wise and be grateful for those around you.
Tomatplanterne skal bindes op... mon de klarer sig?

Nu er 2. omgang løg på vej. Den første høst i år gav 96 løg fordelt på 2 bede
Now the 2nd batch of onions is on its way. The first harvest this year yielded 96 bulbs spread over 2 raised beds
De første blomster er væk, nu venter vi på 2. omgang i "efterårsfarver".
Det har for første gang i lang tid, været en super dejlig weekend - ingen DRAMA! Det vil sige indtil Søndag aften.
Dette endda på trods af stormen lørdag aften/nat. Først på natten (ca. 00.30) måtte jeg ud og se hvilke ting der skulle reddes, for der var kommet så mange høje lyde... det viste sig at vores små drivhuse, hvor vores 4 tomatplanter står, var væltet.
Jeg fik dem op igen, men da den første stærke vind kom, væltede den ene igen. Op igen - og med armene beskyttende om dem begge, gik det op for mig, at jeg ikke kunne redde dem, hvis jeg ikke gjorde noget.
Det plastik som udgjorde drivhuset, var i stykker, men blev aligevel løftet op og ned, alt efter hvordan vinden kom. Jeg besluttede så at fjerne plastikken. Jeg huskede på at en ven, Gerda Nørgaard, engang havde fortalt at hun havde haft tomatplanter i det fri... nu må mine små tomatplanter vise om de kan stå imod vinden... så jeg fjernede mine beskyttende arme, og fjernede det der var tilbage af plastikken, som beskyttede dem. Nu må vi se...
Søndag havde jeg ikke planlagt at tage i kirke; så da vores datter ringede og spurgte om jeg ville med, sagde jeg ja tak. Det var dejlig igen at deltage i vores gudstjeneste (vi kalder det Nadvermøde, da det er her, vi tager del i Nadveren). Bagefter hentede vi Mads, vores barnebarn. Han kom hjem til os og legede det meste af eftermiddagen. På et tidspunkt legede han Minecraft ude i have. Han har en dejlig fantasi.
Senere, medens Lars og jeg spiste sent aftensmaden, kom der hjælp fra Hjemmeplejens udegruppe: Medicin og i seng. Vi aftalte, at Lars blot skulle give medicinen, så ville jeg hjælpe med resten senere, når vi var færdige med at spise. Pludselig begyndte Lars at hoste, derefter blev han dybrød i ansigtet. Han kunne ikke få luft!
Alle små kneb virkede ikke, så 2 gange udførte hjælperen heimlich maneuveren på Lars - han begyndte at blive slap - så blev der ringet 112.
Der kom ambulance med udrykning og en lægeambulance bagefter. I løbet af ca. 5 min var der pludselig mange i vores lille hjem. Igen udførte man heimlich maneuveren og 3. gang lykkedes det at få fri passage.
Hvad var det så der skete? Lars har dysfagi efter en nakkeoperation for en diskusprolaps. Det betyder at nogle ting har han svært ved at spise, da det gemmer sig i en "lomme" i halsen: Ris, ærter, majs, spaghetti mm. men også tabletter. En stor tablet havde sat sig fast! Der skulle mange kræfter til for at løsne den igen.
Heldigvis gik det godt. Lars var chokeret, og træt. Han kom i seng lige bagefter, men da han stadig havde trang til at hoste, måtte han delvis sidde op og sove. I dag er han ok, og vi er taknemmelig for at han ikke har taget skade.
Pas på hinanden. Livet er skrøbeligt. Lev livet viist, og vær taknemmelig for dem du har omkring dig.
Oh my goodness, I'm so glad the doctor was able to dislodge the tablet from poor Lars' throat! What a terrifying moment for all of you. Thankfully the medical team were there to help. I'm glad he is doing alright after such a scare.
SvarSletYour birdhouse card is lovely Conny, the gold border looks wonderful and I love how you've coloured the image. It's so nice to have birds live in your area.
Good luck with the tomato plants, I hope they thrive out in the open.