Monday, March 13, 2023

(Not so...) Mini Monday - SAHRR23 - The Reveal

Welcome to a happy day here at The Joyful Quilter!!  This may or may not be the finale for my 2023 Stay at Home Round Robin project.  Keep reading in order to find out.

I shared the beginning of Round SIX of my 2023 Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR) two weeks ago.  Be sure to visit our hostess Gail @ Quilting Gail, you won't want to miss the parade Her linked post reveals the completed quilts (tops) made during this year's event.

This is where I left things with Round 5...

Which will it be, Joyful???

You'll have to wait and see if mine is a quilt or a top.  :P

Gail @ Quilting Gail introduced the Stay-at-Home Round Robin.  She recruited some of her blogger friends to add to the fun.  Even though I haven't had the greatest success rate for finishing my SAHRR projects, I took another chance that I might be able to find time to work on the project this year.

But then there's the question of the surprise I mentioned...

I discovered these blocks from a variety of sources, including an adorable Santa from my friend Tiffany and one dating back to 2003, as evidenced by my Wonky Churn Dash from Krazy Kat's Kwilt Camp in July of that year:

They beg the question...

To border and add to the FRONT of the quilt OR make a fun pillow/wall hanging to coordinate with the quilt?  I suppose there's another option, as I could use all the extra blocks to cobble together a fun BACK for the quilt.  The verdict is still out on that decision.

The jokes on me!!!

After gathering these fabrics for potential sashing to bring the blocks up to size...

I promptly misplaces the blocks and haven't been able to locate them since.  Even after a thorough search of ALL the places they were last seen!  :o((

Here is how my quilt progressed...

Center Block Reveal: Gail @ Quilting GailI found a pair of blocks in my holiday scrap bag, but couldn't decide which gift block to go with:

Apologies that I no longer recall which friend.

From there, the project developed...

Round One - Spools with Roseanne & Sue @ Home Sewn By Us and a more prominent center block:

Round Two - Stars with Wendy @ Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life and I found a starry orphan block:

Round Three - Hourglass blocks with Chris @ Chrisknitssews 

Round Four - The Flying Geese prompt from Anja @ Anja Quilts found me adding a few more orphan blocks:

Round Five - Square in a Square with Emily @ The Darling Dogwood gave me an excuse to use a couple of smaller blocks from my holiday scrap bag, as well as another couple orphan blocks:

Round Six - Pinwheels with Gail @ Quilting Gail

That brings us to the big reveal!!!  Oh, how I was hoping for a completed quilt top this year...

With 5 days left before this post, I wasn't sure that I would be able to get this quilt together, but decide that I should at least make an attempt at assembly:

Drum roll, please...

The center column was sewn and pairs of blocks were joined and ready to make the outer columns:


I was only two seams away from completion:

That task was saved for the next morning and I am pleased to present (the TOP of) my 2023 Stay at Home Round Robin:

60" x 60"

I am SEW thrilled with my Holiday SAHRR!!

Special thanks to Gail Quilting Gail and friends, Anja, Emily, Roseanne/Sue, Wendy and Chris, for creating this fun internet event!!  I started with someone else's cast off and enjoyed building a quilt around that lovely (rejected) Wreath in a totally different way than I might normally work (and in a totally different way than I did during the previous two events!)  Look for one final update once the quilt has been completed.

In case YOU would like to give this method of construction a try, I've sprinkled all the links for the 2023 Stay At Home Round Robin throughout this post.

I'm off to join the Link Party Parade!!  I hope you will visit, too.  Here's the LINK.  There will be finished flimsies (like my own quilt top) and completed quilts.  You won't believe how different they all are!

At the beginning of this process, I asked the following question...

"What have you gotten yourself into, Joyful???"

Well,  I can only say I am SEW thrilled that I'm a sucker for a QAL!  I have wanted a Christmas quilt for ages and thanks to the 2023 Stay at Home Round Robin, I have FINALLY made that goal a reality.  Thank you again, to those facilitators who helped me achieve my goal, as well as the quilter who donated the set of Pinwheel BOM blocks.

Until next time...
QUILT a Round (robin)!!!

Joining Melva


Whooping it up with Sarah


  1. Absolutely a FAB finish! It looks planned all the way. What a different journey this project took and we all came along for the ride! Well done!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  2. Great job and congratulations for finally getting your Christmas quilt!

  3. All of those orphan block sure found a great family. Love this quilt. ~Jeanne

  4. Love how you made this challenge work for you.... and clear out a bunch of orphan blocks into a great quilt.

  5. I sure enjoyed following along as you pulled out all these orphan blocks and figured out how they fit in with the weekly SAHRR prompts, Joy! Your finished quilt top looks great! How big did it end up to be?

  6. Wow Joy. I had no idea how what looked like a table runner turned into this creation. Well done!

  7. How joyful! A Christmas quilt. I love how this came together at the end. Fantastic finish!

    1. That comment was from me. No idea what's happening with Google!

  8. Wow, that turned out gorgeous!! I'm sew happy for you to have finished this pretty Christmas quilt top! Fabulous job, Joy.

  9. Congrats on getting your Round Robin top finished.

  10. That's a win-win... a finished SAHRR AND use of orphans. Good job!

  11. Always fun when orphans find homes. This quilt is great in so many ways. Congrats !!

  12. Woo Hoo on your finish, Joy!!! And now you have your Christmas quilt. It will be such a delight to pull it out at Christmas.

  13. Well done! And such a festive quilt. You are smart to work on Christmas quilting early.

  14. Oh I LOVE it!!! and... because its kinda Christmas themed - you have a few months to quilt it up haha!! Go you!!!!

  15. You did a fabulous job with this. I love the way you made all these odd blocks work or found ways to integrate them to the prompts - totally amazing. I enjoy those surprise finishes when you just think you can't get it done and then you do. Congrats on a great Christmas SAHRR!

  16. Hurray! You finished and used up so many blocks that really wanted to be in a quilt. I hope you get it finished before December so you can have it out for the holidays.

  17. So much loveliness I am speechless.

  18. Wow! What a lovely quilt! It's so cheerful!

  19. Joyful, your quilt is looking fantastic!!! Congratulations on using those rejected blocks and making the quilt your own!
    Thanks for Linking to the SAHRR '23 Linky Parade!

  20. Love it! That wreath was a great starting point but man, you really made this your own! I love that you went more sampler style than traditional round robin. And it sounds like you were able to use several orphan blocks! So glad you now have that Christmas quilt you've been wanting!

  21. Sorry, I've been having trouble with getting auto logged out so I show as anonymous. That last comment about sampler style was me.

  22. Hi Joyful, what a wonderful finished top! Congrats!

  23. Congrats on a fun and fabulous SAHRR. It's been a lot of fun to see how everyone handles the prompts and what the final quilts look like.


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