Saturday, January 30, 2021

February 2021 OMG Goal

 I always find it a challenge to settle in on just one OMG goal. What will it be?  

What about Bright Jane? I made 5 pink blocks for RSC to add to the 7 I already had made. 

Feb's color is yellow. My quilt needs 11 blocks for that colour. 

I have been sitting here hovering near the girls doing their school work. Ellyse is so much like me Totally distractable.

Ellyse joined me and Chooky and the girls Monday night on zoom. We cut out a whole lot of green and white pieces for The Curves. It was hard work and I let her do the cranking. 
She had a paper cut on her finger and "had to" change the band-aid every 4 hours (a bit OCD maybe). She was asking if she still needed yet another new bandaid but I said no, the cut was healing up very nicely. Then I reached down into a box on the floor to pull out some papers and what do you know? I came back up with a very big bloody paper cut on the ring finger of my right hand. You know, my-push-the-needle-through-the-applique finger. Ouch. So. she put a bandaid on it. It is healing very nicely. I only changed it once when it fell off washing dishes. 

I continue to do my 15-Minutes of Stitching daily. So far I am 100%. 
This Ella block was a bit daunting. I started with back-basting the yellow centers in each corner. Then I added the red petals on either side. 

I forgot to take a picture of only one of the brown curlycues that frame each flower. I am doing these in 4 separate applications. I probably could have done it as one piece, but I wanted to do it the way the original maker switched hers. 
This will be my hand stitching for the next few days. 
There will yet be a cluster of flower petals at the end of each of those brown stems. 

My OMG goal for Feb has to be The Curves.  I must have all 64 units done so I can put together the required 16 blocks and complete the rest of the things by the end of the month. I plan to get Ellyse to help cut out more pieces. 



linking with: off-wall-friday.

wendysquiltsandmore  confessionsofafabricaddict. alyciaquilts. 

 link-party-patchwork-quilts-   tishnwonderland. 


  1. You are making good progress with Bright Jane. You've got a good helper there, happy stitching!

  2. Lovely DJ blocks. Sorry for the cuts. Good luck with the goal. ;^)

  3. All your pink blocks are gorgeous!

  4. Very pretty pink Jane blocks. February is a short month for 11 blocks, good luck with the yellow stitching. Good luck with your February OMG. Happy stitching this week.

  5. All of them are good candidates for OMG ;) Enjoy sewing the curves!
    Thank you for linkig up today.

  6. Oh my, paper cuts hurt. I love your hand stitching.

  7. Lets hope no more paper cuts happen for a bit. Those are the worst!Good luck with the curves goal....having a helper to crank them out for you should help.

  8. Aah....what would we do without bandaids. Your pink and white blocks are amazing. How fabulous they all look showing off pretty. There is a lot of tricky curvy applique in your Ella block. 'Tis looking great.

  9. Love your projects. I like the fabrics on the Ella block.

  10. How lovely your pink blocks are, I intend to start my Jane quilt soon. Congratulations on progress ... see you


  11. Wow, lots of beautiful variety in your life!

  12. Your pink Dear Jane blocks are just lovely. What great progress you made this month! Hopefully next month will be a good one for Jane as well.

  13. You are certainly busy sewing away as usual. I enjoyed the Zoom session with you and truly do wish I could run off to Australia with you some day. If it was in my budget, I would love to!

  14. Good luck on reaching your goal for February. Lovely work on Ella!

  15. Awww :) Sweet helper to have around. Your Bright Jane blocks look fantastic, and you're doing a good job on the Ella block. One stage at a time makes it easy to approach. I love the backbasting method.

  16. Sorry about the finger!! Like the pink blocks to - so happy!!!

  17. Good meeting you at the Zoom party. Hope your finger is well again. Lovely blocks in pink and wonderful applique.

    1. When I reply to your comments, I get a spam message. Do you have a different email address?

  18. I love the colors of your Ella block! So pretty! Have a great week!

  19. you did great on the sewing front once again......lovely to have you and Ellyse joining us on zoom.......the curves are starting......

  20. Bright Jane is looking great.. and the Ella looks hard but oh so pretty! xx

  21. Hope you made it to FNwF this month...xox

  22. I am amazed at how much stitching you manage to get done, and with all your Grandma duties as well. Well done.

  23. I'm in love with Bright Jane. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
