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1. RSC ??
2. Mod Flowers
3. PQ16. 5 Arrow Postcard
4. Four Down
5. Sew Preeti Quilts - Miracle Fish
6. Sew Powerful Purses #42-43 for 2025
7. Stay at home Round Robin final round
8. making a lather
9. making a lather
10. Stonefields: Finished Endings + New Beginning
11. Diann@ LittlePenguinQuilts
12. not afraid of color
13. Julie in GA
14. DonnaleeQ
15. Alycia Quilts
16. Quilting Gail
17. Tower of Power
18. Quilting Update, Food Too
19. Cowboy panel and Blue Challenge
20. something rosemade
21. Marble Mystery
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