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1. Dollandesign
2. Tablerunner
3. Scraps and coins
4. Nearly Insane Center
5. Kim@ LilyPatchQuilts
6. Art On Fabric
7. Falling leaves
8. The Inside Stori
9. Quilted Blooms
10. New baby in the house
11. That Crafty Cara
12. Heathers Blog
13. Jolly Braid Tote
14. Libby in TN
15. A start instead of finish
16. Windy Hill Happenings
17. design wall
18. Brooke@ SillyMamaQuilts
19. KatyQuilts
20. 17 ufos for 2017
21. Ems Scrapbag
22. poodle in sunflowers
23. Jayne : : Twiggy & Opal
24. mmm!quilts Baby Quilt Tut
25. The Colorful Fabriholic
26. Chrisknits
27. Kat and Cat Quilts
28. Grandmas Kitchen 16
29. Quilting Solutions
30. A Quilting Chic
31. Miss White Wall-Pandora
32. Finished Blocks
33. Vessel
34. Little Boy Blue Batiks II
35. maiden hair fern
36. Cynthia Brunz Designs
37. Superhero Babes
38. Sylvia
39. Autumn Lattice Quilt
40. Melissa @ Happy Quilting
41. Treadlestitches Lap Robes
42. JBigg: 100 Year Old Quilt
43. Quilting Gail
44. something rosemade
45. Toy Story Quilt Center
46. Quilts & Such
47. Tu-Nas Art with Fabric
48. Mary- Fleur de Lis Quilts
49. Gaïa, Mother Earth
50. 123quilt - Jolly Braid
51. 50 Needlecases for OCC!!!
52. Kathy S. Spangled Stars
53. Christmas Table Runner
54. VroomansQuilts
55. Quilted Puzzle
56. Celine @ espritpatch
57. Adorable Christmas Animal
58. SLQ: Pumpkin Pot Holders
59. SLQ: Baby Quilt
60. Doing the Happy Dance
61. Quilting & Learning Combo
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