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1. Quilting Professor
2. Sweet Sixteen
3. KatyQuilts
4. Karen-Ksquiltingkorner
5. Heided
6. Little Boy Blues
7. Hands to Help update
8. Ravelly1
9. Pack Rat With A Plan
10. Rail fence
11. P. -H2H Flimsy
12. Old Fashioned Values Top
13. Scrappy style Civil War?
14. Twin Sister green
15. Into the Deep Blue Sea
16. Needle, Thread, Happiness
17. 1857 Prepped Blocks
18. Some scrappy fun!
19. My Sister Made Me Do It
20. My Whoops!
21. H2H 2016
22. H2H top complete
23. The Colorful Fabriholic
24. Doris Miller
25. Ursula Yeo
26. Ursula Yeo
27. Ursula Yeo
28. Scrappy Chili Peppers
29. Batik H|DesertSky Quilts
30. Q2 FAL and H2H Check-In
31. Julie L
32. Julie L
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