Music Monday

For this week's blog hop, we're told to choose whatever songs we want.

Since Thursday is Valentine's Day, I've chosen some love songs.

Let's start with some Blondie:

And move on to Freddy Mercury -- yes, I love Queen.

How about some Styx?

And let's finish it off with some Fleetwood Mac

No, wait....let's do a bonus hit. 

How about some Barbra?


  1. Songbird,

    Styx was a favorite 70s band of mine and 'Lady' brings back fond good feelings really. I don't have any particular memories tied to most past songs as I do emotions. I recall to listening to a lot of Fleetwood Mac's tunes on the airwave as a young teen which includes your song feature this morning. Streisand was big back in the day but I never really got into her mewsic. I think of her more as an actress instead of a singer. Have you seen Meet the Fockers? She plays Ben Stiller's mother in the film. The whole series is great fun! Thanks for boogieing with the 4M gang this week. Have a songtastic week, my friend!

  2. I really like Styx in the 80s.Same with Fleetwood Mac: their 70s discography was amazing but I love thei80s' stuff recently. I love Lindsey's "Go Insane" album and Fleetwood Mac's "Tango in the Night" (which was suppose to be Lindsey' next album but it became the band's). Thanks for the listens!

  3. I saw the Fleetwood Mac song and it didn't sound familiar, so I played it. I never knew the name of it, mostly because I was too busy changing stations when it came on. I have to admit, I haven't been much of a FM fan since Peter Green left. Apart from that (hey, they can't always be winners), this is a good bunch of songs. My wife saw Styx when they were still doing high school dances in Chicago. Barbra Streisand has a good voice, but her songs in the late '70's were a little morose. Then again, a lot of songs in the late '70's were morose...

    Good set!

  4. Great songs. I really loved them. Thanks for sharing this play list.

  5. Some more songs I hadn't heard in years. Always been a Blondie fan. They look so young here.

  6. I loved these tunes, especially Styx! But all of your song choices were really good. Happy Music Monday!


  7. Wow I haven't heard of anything about Blondie Debra Harry

  8. Absolutely a great line up here! I personally love Queen & Debra Harry really didn't age well, but here tunes do live on don't they? Babs music I always considered as love songs too. All in all great line up. Thanks for joinin' us & hope we can get together again & again! hugs

  9. I have neglected the 70's for years in favor of the 80;s but I've been listening to some Styx recently and am rediscovering them. And many may disagree with me, but "Evergreen" is one of my favorite Streisand songs. Great set! Alana

  10. Ahh Barbara Streisand. I wonder where she is now and what she is doing.
    Thanks for rocking.


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