Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday Talking with Timber

Yep - he's still talking to those Shriner's Hospital commercials!!!

Hey - I am just making sure you remember to help those kids with a few green papers, Mom.


  1. OH MY WOOS MADI DADDY AND I ARE CRACKING UP. HE WAS UP HERE RIDING THE BIKE WE BOTH GIGGLED. HE SAID TO TELL YOU HE WISHES HE COULD HOWL AT SOME OF THEM ON OUR TVeeeeees. Our gas co. PSNC has changed its name to Dominion Energy. When we watch the news at night they play the commercial reminding folks of the name change 87 million times
    Hugs and thanks for the laughs
    Cecilia and Bryan

  2. You need to contact the hospital, they might use it to show you requesting donations! Way to Woo!

  3. Now that's some talking, Timber. You did a fine job reminding everyone about giving some green papers.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a woof woof Happy Tuesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  4. Hari Om
    Bravo Timber, call it for the cause! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Wow! That's great that Timber picked a good cause to support with his woos.

  6. You are a good advocate for the cause, Timber.

  7. Such a thoughtful pup you are Timber!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. There must be something special about those kids' voices that brings out the singing in Timber. That was so cute to see.

  9. You are so sweet. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for the loss of Tallulah.

  10. BOL!!! Timber, I started barkin' right along with you! We gots to get the word out, rights???
    Ruby ♥

  11. Timber what a silly boy you are!
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. Brinley goes NUTSO at dat commershul.

  13. we barked with you... that is a reason to bark and to inform all, right?

  14. That is hilarious! I wonder what it is about that commercial that triggers him? It sounds pretty normal to me.

  15. How funny! But it does seem like a good cause to shout about!

  16. it is sooo funny but there must be some kind of tone in that commercial that only dogs can hear. It is too funny though!

  17. Timber, we are wondering if Lightening and Misty ever join in?

  18. Good job Timber. That is such a wonderful thing to Woo about. It is one of our favorite charities. Have a great day.

  19. You're a funny guy, Timber! And you know a good cause when you see one!

    Mini Woofs,

  20. Timber I bet Shriners would put you on the payroll if they knew how hard you work to help them out!

    Hugs, Teddy

  21. Oh my gosh Timber this makes me giggle! I'm the same way (only not so vocal). These commercials get me every single time and I always stop what I'm doing. Wish I had more green papers to donate!

    And I agree with Brian, I bet Shriner's hospitals would love this video!


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