I didn’t work at the sewing machine at all yesterday – the first day in awhile I must admit – I just needed a break from piecing! I did look at Good Fortune some more though thinking about what to do next. This is when a design wall really comes in handy. I pinned some green strips to the wall – I do not intend to have wide strips these where in my string boxes and just dug through to get some green and pulled them out – so they got pinned to the wall – then I put some neutral on top of them and the checkers.

A close up – I kind of like this. This will still not be as wide as I need but keep in mind that after the “checker board” of red/neutral I will have some half square triangles up there too and then I will need to finish off with a little more. To get the quilt to the 100 inch square about that I like I need add about 13.5 inches all around. Right now I “think” that the triangles will be a mixture of blues and green and neutrals. I am not sure what will be after that. Today I might try to get the green sashing in place and maybe some of the neutral – instead of doing the neutrals in as many pieces as Bonnie had us do in other areas I might just sew long strips together (maybe 12”?) until they are long enough for each side. With so much going on in this quilt I don’t think it would look odd.

Instead of sewing machine work after I got done cleaning the house yesterday morning I got the crochet out and worked on it quite a bit while watching a little tv for a change –and then I managed to get it finished up while the evening news was on. Linking my finished scarf to The Crafty Quilter.

Here is a close up of what the stitches look like – on the left you can see what the back side looks like with this Tunisian Simple Stitch. Very pebbly and I don’t think it would matter all that much which way is showing while wearing it. Now that this scarf is finished I will start to look over the directions for the afghan I have planned – find my crochet hook and get started – this one is done with a regular hook not the long one like I used for this scarf.

Quilting on the Retro Airship Propellers from Wednesday night – I did finish up on the right side and rolled it down without taking a photo – forgot all about it.

In this photo if you look at the top of the frame – that is the last row of propeller blocks!! can you believe it – I never would have thought this large quilt would be going this fast – I started quilting on December 13. When I see that I think it is nice that I didn’t put a ton more quilting in it!! Linking to Busy Hands Quilts — Confessions of a Fabric Addict –– Silly Mama Quilts — Peacock Party —

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I love your border ideas. That red checkerboard is perfect. Thanks for sharing I’m seeing enjoying your creative process.
thanks – now to get this much made and think of something more to make it grow. To me really large pieces just wouldn’t finish it off as well because the whole quilt is made of scraps so far
I like the border you are coming up with. That scarf is really pretty with that neat stitch, and almost done with Retro Propellors! You’ve been really productive lately.
thanks Wendy – it will take a bit more sewing but hopefully I will like it in the end.
I really like what you’re thinking of so far to make Good Fortune bigger! I agree that you would want your added borders to fit the style of the quilt so far. That’s a lot of scrappy stitching, though! The scarf looks beautiful – I’m imagining that it has a lot of texture just from looking at your photo. Congratulations on moving Airship Propellers right along!
yes there is a bit of texture in this scarf and this week it will actually cold enough to use some days. Thanks on the quilt. Sometimes trying to enlarge a quilt and not just slap on a huge border strips takes some thinking!
I really like the narrow green border with the neutral next and than the four patches. The borders seem to enhance the quilt and it seems to be coming alive if you know what I mean, adding a lot to the quilt. I love the pebble texture of your scarf too. We certainly could wear it here this week too, it’s been so cold. I can’t believe that the last row of propellers is in sight, it seems you just put it on the frame. You are a fast quilter for sure and such pretty stitches to boot! Enjoy your stitching today.
thanks Dottie I like the green border too It is cold enough here today to wear my finished scarf!
the scarf is lovely!
the quilt will be a smashing finish!
thanks so much for linking up!
thanks Brooke always nice to get positive thoughts on quilt and crochet!
What a wonderful border! The colours go so well together. And I love the scarf too!
thanks Jane – I have to come up with more ideas still to make it as large as I want
Karen, I love what you are thinking of doing for additional borders on Good Fortune! Looking forward to seeing this quilt grow! Like a couple of other commenters mentioned, I think keeping in the style of what has already been done is definitely the way to go…
Your scarf is beautiful! We are having some cold days as well.
The quilting has really gone quickly on Retro Air Ship Propellers….and it looks great. You always know exactly what quilting design to use that will enhance the piecing!
Stay warm!
I too think keeping in the design of Good Fortune is the way to go – I can not see just putting a wide neutral border all around to make it larger – hope the bad weather hasn’t hit you all – it is chilly as can be here! Wore the rusty color scarf today! more cold days coming next week and I will wear the blue then!
I like where you are heading with the borders!
thanks Vicki – I hate to say I didn’t touch it again today but I didn’t – what is wrong with me LOL I guess I really needed a break from it but with it being on the wall I won’t take much of a break I’m sure
You’ve got so many things on the go Karen! I do like where your Good Fortune quilt is heading. I just picked up the border fabric for mine today. Can you believe it’s Tula Pink? Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.
I will be checking your blog to see what the fabric looks like – I’m sure it will suit your quilt!
So nice to have a scrappy quilt to keep adding to… I just had to scrap my scrappier version of Appalachian Delight and will be ordering a single wide border at my honey’s request… now to get inventive with how to hand quilt a 14″ border though! wowee… I love that you are seeing the end of your propellors… I LOVE LOVE LOVE your finished Tunisian scarf too.. if I ever can figure out how to learn such a task I will make me one just like that one 🙂
I hope others enjoy Bluprint as much as I have for quilting and other stuff too.. I can’t take advantage and it isn’t time to upgrade yet … but I am pondering it.. we will see what they offer in March when my subscription runs out 😀 glad the housework is behind you for a week or so.. but it is a necessary evil isn’t it.. I did some today intentionally and some because of a spill! lol oh well… I also rolled my frame tonite! I will write about it in the morning 😉 Kathi
wow a 14 inch border – fancy or plain – you could do a bit with that – fancy in the middle and grid above or below for one idea. Totally understand you on waiting for your subscription to run out – I am doing that too but mine runs out on Monday so I can take advantage of this deal I’m sure there will be more deals throughout the year. I try to do a good cleaning once a week at least and pick up stuff in between – not hard to do with just two of us and no pets.