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Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Month is More Than Half Over!

I may have over done it!

Here it is the 17th of the month! Half way through January and I still need to at least start on my APQ UFO  #3, the quilt for my sister.
I have yet to make a RED anything for RSC 2019. I finally did cut some red scraps. I need 4.5" squares for my Bow Tie Blocks.I have 3 done. And 2.5" squares for the Scrappy Sprout Block. They are staged on my small design board.

I thought I had lots of red 2.5" squares, but I did not have much variety. Some of these will be switched with more I am cutting from 2 1/2" strips.

And my OMG, Temperature quilt was lacking!  Mr Busy did get a piece of lumber cut and he helped me install a temporary design wall in the hall just outside my sewing room. I found some light gray flannel on sale at JoAnns so it wasn't too expensive. I can leave it up all year and still have my regular design wall in my room. It's not pretty, but serviceable. The pink sticky notes are the dates.

The poor photo will just have to do. This wall is in my basement hall. The only light is the wall sconce you see in the upper right and the light from my sewing room behind the camera. I am thinking of using a portable lamp for future photos.

So now I am almost caught up. I have a reminder set to 10PM on my iPad to record the high and low temperature from the previous day. I have found that the low can change from the forecasted low in my area. I have an iNumbers chart  and then I re-record it onto a calendar I printed to keep in the Temp Quilt Folder. That probably seems like over kill..but that is my M.O.  Too much is always better than not enough!  My 13 day strip is looking pretty "blah" , lots of the same fabrics for days in a row.  One below zero day, the 1st of January!  See the lavender in the bottom left!

Mr Busy and I have been working on a small kitchen redo project. He painted while I was at my retreat last week and started to install some vinyl squares as a back splash.

 I have been promised a new stove and microwave, just waiting for them to go on sale or at least have 11% back at Menard's. Should have bought it during the holidays, but company and too many "other" projects kept that from happening!  I am patient, it will happen!

Stay Busy and Stay Happy

ps:  I'll be linking this post up to Finished or Not Friday, because they are definitely NOT FINISHED!
                                    and Can I Get A Whoop Whoop, because somethings got started!


  1. New year, new beginnings. Yay for that!! Love the red leaves. I am considering joining the RSC this year. Hope your new appliances come soon.

  2. I too have been considering the RSC. I've always wanted to do it but never had time. Now the scraps are overwhelming... I need to do something with them.

    The temperature quilt is going to be really awesome, in my opinion. I've seen some of the temperature scarves, and I think they are amazing!

  3. your appliances will go on sale sooner or later! I hope you find some. you are doing well on all your scrappy projects

  4. I love seeing what others do with their never ending scraps.
