Things That Make Me Happy: #WordlessWednesday
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
– Albert Camus

things that make me happy: #wordlesswednesday
Life has a way of throwing curve balls our way, just when we least expect it to. And whoever said that the New Year would spell “happy, new beginnings” got it all wrong.
Well, today happens to be a challenging day, and the year did not start on a very promising note either. So, I thought the best thing I could do to uplift my mood was to write and post happy pictures from the days gone by. (Writing is my pick-me-up, and then there is gratitude that works for each one of us, doesn’t it?)
Due to various life challenges, blogging has taken a backseat for sometime now. And that makes me unhappy. Probably because expressing myself makes me the happiest, especially when I do so with written words. It’s like a pick-me-up. It lifts the pall of gloom and nourishes my soul like no other.
Today I’m posting these little snippets from my life that perked me up in the recent months, and made 2018 a comforting year, despite the immense challenges.
The first one is Unagi (or Eel), on a bed of rice (my Featured Image). This happens to be my most favourite Japanese meal. It was a cosy meal I cherished with my family, just when the winters had set in.
The second one are these exotic Frangipani blooms I chanced upon at a dear friends home, just when I was stepping out to leave. The three of us had spent a subliminal afternoon discussing life and its vagaries.
The Salad was whipped up on a sudden whim on a busy weekday morning. It kick-started our day on a fresh, healthy note. Thanks to a doctor friend, I mostly start my day with salads apart from a toast and fruits, and I am so glad I do. After all salads and soups are my favourite meal.
Last but not the least, this Card was probably sketched by me in high school, for a dear friend who had then got engaged. I was stunned when she sent it to me as a WhatsApp message recently. I was so touched to see that she has preserved it till date, as it’s been over thirty long years now! What a precious treasure of life this. More precious than diamonds and platinum for me.
I’m glad I wrote this post today. I feel a lot more better, and grateful for life’s little gifts. Amen!
Our linky is open now to all of you, for your smashing #WordlessWednesday posts. Please forgive me for the tardy post this time. I was away travelling and still reeling under the side-effects of attending a grand Bengali-Indian Wedding and a road trip to our ancestral home.
New to #WordlessWednesday, but would like to join the fun? Here’s how you can join Esha and me. Just follow our three easy steps:
- Post a picture on your blog that speaks for itself. It could be from your adventures, experiments, life’s quirky moments, travels or just plain random shots. Absolutely anything that stoked your being.
- Add our badge to your post and add a backlink to our posts.
- We’d love it if you read, comment and share all the posts linked here.
See you on the other side of the frame.
Happy #WW.
Also linking up with the kind-hearted, Vidya Sury’s, Gratitude Circle
30 thoughts on “Things That Make Me Happy: #WordlessWednesday”
The card illustration is fabulous! Do you still sketch? Life is too short to not do the things that fill us with joy. It was great meeting you and I enjoyed reading your post. Also, I appreciate you joining my WW linky party. I linked to yours and will add you to my Daily Blog Hop page for others to find you. Here’s to getting back into the groove of blogging and doing other things that make you happy.
First of all thank you so much for your kind, loving comment. Was a total pick-me-up.
Yes, I do sketch. These days I mostly entangle, but not as often as I would want to. I’m definitely going by your words,
“Life is too short to not do the things that fill us with joy.”
So, yes, I’ll include sketching/drawing in my schedule soon. Been meaning to do so for the longest.
Pleasure meeting you too, Cathy. Thank you so much for adding me to your Daily Blog Hop page, really appreciate it.
Yes, the shift is happening, and I’m on my way back to doing the things I love, slowly but surely.
Thanks so much for your encouraging words. <3
I’m sure all of who are not able to blog will have a similar feeling. Thanks for sharing things that you love and allowing us to know more about you, Natasha
Thank you for reading and writing in, Arvind.
You’re most welcome. I’m happy to do include you on my Daily Blog Hop page. I’m glad you decided to join my WW linky party. Here’s to a marvelous new year of building a new friendship. Have a blessed, boogietastic week!
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again!
Thanks for reminding me of two things –
1. Eat more salad, like it or not (not!)
2. Start doing WW again after a couple of years away
Enjoy this day, this week, this month, this year, this life!
Keith you I totally <3!
Lol at eating salad (not)! Yet you manage to stay fit? What's the secret?
So happy to hear you will be joining us for #WW. Excited to see those stunning shots.
Your story for my blogiversary post has a few of them.
Have a great new Monday!
Oh that salad. Wow, that looks fabulous.
Hope you had a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥
Thank you Sandee, was trying to link up to your #WW linky. Not sure I was able to, or was I? Getting a bit foggy in the head these days, lol!
Thank you so much for swinging by. Happy new week ahead! <3
Hugs and loads of love to you, dear Natasha! I’m so happy that you decided to write this happy post and turn around your day to a better one. C’est la vie, my dear…Life happens and setbacks happen too, but fret not, because, everything comes with an expiry date, even the bad times and the not-so-happy times, so all will be well, as you say always! I hope things get better faster than you think and things settle down. Good luck with the writing projects and happy blogging, my friend. <3
Rightly said!
When life gets tough, my mantra usually remains, “Try Me!”
No point wallowing in pity and saying, “Why Me!”
Yes, excited about the writing project. Enjoying it, but can’t wait to write my WOTY post.
Sending you big love and healing vibes <3
Writing surely they say is therapeutic and it will help fight away your blues( so what if the ywar started out in a challenging way, there are more days it holds. It all will ease out. Till then pen thouse woes and thoughts
Thanks dear Ramya. Those words were my balm.
I’m sorry you’ve been going through difficult times. These photos are bound to cheer anyone up!
The salad with Kiwi looks delicious.
Many of us have had blogging downturns but usually manage to bounce back, eventually. To that end, I’m joining your #WW linkup for the first time. Thanks for hosting it!
Wishing you a better and brighter tomorrow!
Thrilled to have you link up Debbie. A big, warm welcome.
Thanks for those cheery wishes. <3
I am glad you chose to turn around your day by writing this post. I loved seeing those happy photos, they made me smile, on what has been a glum day so far.
And that quote you began with – was just the thing I needed to hear/read today. So thank you so much!
Hope you have a better week/month/year ahead!
So glad, this post worked as a pick-me-up for you too, dear Shantala.
So lovely to have you swing by. Thank you.
The Frangipani bloom, fresh salad and card from yesteryear; each from different world, were woven finely together by the thread of ‘things that make you happy’, made for a good view and read as well! Thanks Natasha for sharing this piece of your life and thoughts.
I wished to connect with #WordlessWednesday since long. However, something or the other, beyond my control stopped me from doing so. With the new year still fresh, I decided to make a start and hence have linked up this time. For I always feel that pictures speak louder than actions , than words!
I used to draw Dennis too. It immediately took me back to school. Loved these little snippets from your life. Hope things settle down for you. Glad that you are still writing. Hugs and lots of love to you.
Things seem to be settling in, Raj.
I chose to slow down, and that helped. In the break neck scramble of life, so often we forget to stop short and just breathe.
Your art is a huge inspiration for me. Someday I hope I can manage my time better and do more art.
Lots of love. <3
Isn’t it wonderful that we have discovered a key to perk ourselves up in the form of writing and our blogs when we find ourselves in a whirlpool? At the same time, I feel if I am not able to write, blog and connect with like-minded bloggers, I tend to drown into the abyss. I like all your happy photos here, especially the last one. I could not have made out to be hand made if you wouldn’t have mentioned. It is a charming Dennis
Thanks Anamika.
Thank God for blogging. Perfect way to channelise those frazzled nerves I tell you.
So happy to see all your posts here.
When I m feeling sad I simply remember my favourite things and then I don’t feel so bad. These are lyrics from the song My Favourite Things (Sound of Music). But trust me when I am actually feeling low I simply do this and feel much better. Wishing you a happy week and a year ahead!
I agree with you. That’s why Sound of Music is our all time favourite flick, Shubhra.
Thank you for your perky note.
And thanks for linking up too.:)
There’s nothing like writing to pick you up! And your card resonated with me. These are the words from Cliff Richards’ song ” Congratulations” which always almost played coincidentally each time I came home with my report card. And boastful it may sound, but I always got A’s so hearing this song even today makes me remember those happy days. Your photos brought a smile to my face too! Thanks. And hope your mood is pretty uplifted to enjoy the rest of the week.
Thanks for sharing that sweet snippet of your younger days, Sunita.
Yes, I’m on the mend.
That salad looks mighty good. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you Patrick. Always appreciate the fact that you are the first to link up.