Welcome to my inaugural episode of Instagram Roundup!
There’s a weekly blogging initiative called Wordless Wednesday, where you share one or more photographs, theoretically, without words, but hey, how many writers do you know who can remain silent?
I’ve decided to add a new feature (not promising every single week, but, we’ll see how it goes), showcasing my recent photos from Instagram for the occasion. Here we go!
INSTAGRAM ROUNDUP, DEBUT EPISODE #WordlessWednesday #WW #dogladysden Share on X
Linking up to these other #WordlessWednesday sites:
Comedy Plus / Curious As A Cathy / Natasha Musing / The Sky Girl / Wordless Wednesday
Join us, will you?
Do you like this new feature? Think it’s just okay? Don’t like it?
Suggestions to make it better?
Let me know in comments!

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What a good idea. It might be something I have to eventually visit and try myself! I also gave you a follow on Instagram! Nice photos!
Hi P.J.
Thanks for coming over and also for the Instagram follow. I did the same. Glad you like this idea. I thought it might rekindle my waning enthusiasm for blogging. So far, so good. Cheers!
What beautiful clicks, Debbie! I like this new feature you’ve started off today!
Thank you, Damyanti. I’m so glad you like this idea.
Photography has become an all-consuming passion in recent years. Cheers!
What cool images! I love that lampshade so much!
Welcome to The Den, Betty! I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos.
This is going to be a regular feature. Cheers!
I remember Cyndi Lauper back in the day. She’s one of those chameleon singers who keeps dipping her toes in all kinds of genres. If memory serves, she came out with a country c.d. last year that was pretty good.
I didn’t know about the country album, but she has a fabulous voice for any genre.
I really loved that she wandered right into the audience (without security goons) to sing several songs.
Well, there’s no two ways about it — ya just GOTTA love a dog named Rufus! Ha!-Ha!
Come to think of it, ‘A Dog Named Rufus’ might make a pretty good song title. …But then, this ain’t the 1970s anymore. Maybe it wouldn’t go over so well today. Tsk!-Tsk! :o)
~ Stephen
DogGtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation
Greetings, DogGtor!
Rufus is one of my favourite dogs, for sure. I know what you mean about the super, ultra-ridiculously over-the-top sensitivity that plagues our society these days.
Your title reminds me of this one:
I cannot get you images to appear. I will keep trying. I am sure this computer is not right.
Oh no! :O
Try clearing your cache or changing your browser. Which one are you using? Not Internet Explorer. I hope. That one is pretty useless. Please let me know if you get it resolved.
I went home to see it on my home computer. I like the dogs best… Now, I have to go back to work… Have a great evening.
So sorry for the inconvenience!
Daisy and Rufus are two of my favourite houseguests. Thanks for persevering!
Hi Debbie. Happy New Year! Hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I’ve been MIA for a while now and will probably stay so for a bit longer. So much happening over here. I’ll shoot you an email so we can catch up. Sorry to have been so absent of late.
Love your photos. The dogs: adorable! Loved the lamp: what a cool gathering spot! And your #TBT photo from ’67 is awesome. Where was that? Loved the wood seats. Hubby in photo?
I have an instagram account but hardly ever go there. I just don’t seem to have time for anything anymore: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blogging. I’ve never been good at FBing and hardly ever Instagram but I’ve really fallen down on the blogging side of life. I guess I’ve seriously lost my mojo….and frankly I have no idea if it’s coming back or not. ???
talk soon.
Love ya,
michele at Angels Bark
Happy New year, Michele! It’s SO GOOD to see you here.
Yes, I’d love to catch up via email. I knew you’d like the dogs. They are sweethearts!
The lamp is a shady bench in Kotor, Montenegro. As for the TBT photo; I was only 12 and hadn’t met hubby yet. That’s me, sitting in a Flamenco Bar in the Canary Islands. 
Real life always takes precedence over internet. Don’t fret about it. I remember you had shoulder injuries to contend with as well. How are you doing, now? Better, I hope!
I lost the blogging mojo during the A to Z back in 2017! Been struggling to get it back ever since, and I won’t be doing that solid month of daily blogging again. The enthusiasm to create is returning now, though. I have so much material for travelogues from our trip, plus some new ideas, like this one. Instagram is a great network for photographers and I’ve learned a lot since joining up, there.
After saying all of that, I have missed you online and would be happy to see you posting again, at some point. Let’s keep in touch, either way. Thanks so much for coming by, today! Luv ya, too!
That lamp is messed up…
I thought it was a unique shade umbrella.
Wonder if it lights up at night? That would be cool!
I know these photos:) I love them especially the doggies:)
Thank you, Birgit.
Not everyone uses Instagram, so I thought I’d share them here as well, in a weekly series.
The pups are adorable. I love that lampshade too. Way cool photographs.
Thanks for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
It’s nice to meet you too, Debbie.
Hope you had a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥
Welcome to The Den, Sandee!
I’m glad you like my photos. Thank you for hosting this #WW linkup. It’s a great initiative for photographers and I plan to join in as often as possible. Cheers!
Love the photos, especially the last one – it’s so neat! Thanks for the picture share.
Thank you, Cathy.
I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and will try to join #WW as often as possible.
Totally thrilled to have you join our #WW boat, dear Debbie.
Enjoyed all the shots, especially your four legged babies.
And is that Cyndi Lauper in the first picture ? Do feel free to whack me if I got it wrong.
Thank you, Natasha. I’m thrilled to have a new avenue to share my photos.
That is indeed Cyndi Lauper, on stage in Toronto, last August. She was opening for Rod Stewart. What a concert! ♥ If you’re interested, I did a review with some great photos:
That’s such a clever idea, Debbie. I am not very regular with posting on IG but feel I need to do something with my account as I need to grow it. This one surely gives me a great idea. Lovely to have you join us for our linky party, Debbie. See you around every week from now on, D. Happy Thursday. ?
Welcome to The Den, Esha!
Instagram is a great platform for photographers, but also good for social branding purposes. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post! I would like to join #WW as often as possible, but can’t commit to every single week. Life gets in the way, sometimes. Thank you so much for coming by!
I love it Debbie as I’m an Instagram fan. Still trying to grow my account over there. I love what you have been doing with your images and make things quite fancy there!
Hi Lisa; I love Instagram, but trying to grow a following there is like trudging through mud.
So many people play that stupid “follow-unfollow” game. Whatever happened to genuine engagement? I’m glad you like my photos. Thank you so much for those kind words and for stopping by! 
Hi Debbie, YES, that is so true! They follow and unfollow more often than we change our underwear! There are many programs out there, mostly paid ones that do it and it always amazes me how many participate in them . I tried one for one month but didn’t like the type of following I received.
Yes, I think you could do a post about how you make different layouts and such. you get very creative there Debbie
Aggravating, isn’t it?
Thanks for the suggestion, Lisa. I like to play around with collages and such. 
I love your Instagram pictures, especially of your travels. The one here with Daisy and Rufus is soo wonderful. They look so great together
Thank you so much, Shilpa!
Daisy and Rufus are two of my favourites. Thanks for coming by and Happy New Year.
I still can’t get enthused about Instagram though that’s true about a lot of things these days. I apparently signed up for an account because I occasionally get notifications about people posting things, but I guess I don’t get it and don’t have the interest. I’m slow like that.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Instagram is a great network for photographers, but, if you’re not into that, I can see where it wouldn’t be so interesting. Thanks for dropping in, regardless.