A Little Mystery

I thought while I wait for my ruler with the 1/16th markings to arrive I would jump into Bonnie Hunter’s Mystery quilt Good Fortune — for a change – I once swore I would never do a mystery quilt and even said that just last week LOL – and after looking at blogs the last couple days and reading people talking starting her mystery – I thought – I have so many scraps in the boxes I really need to use them up – why not just start it and follow as closely as I can to Bonnie’s colors and it will turn out – not like the disaster I did about 15 years ago – lime green, yellow and pink – oh my! turned it into a doll quilt for Ciera at the time and she loved it!  According to the rules you can not put on your blog what sizes you are cutting or how many units as you must go to her site (link above) to read about and get the directions from her blog – so I will just post parts of my sewing as I go.

I was lucky and realized I have a die for the strips needed in the first part of the instructions so after pressing fabric I started to cut strips – all totally pulled out of the scrap boxes on the shelves that I have divided by color.  I don’t know if I cut enough and I will cut more if needed.


Seeing as Bonnie usually uses one of her antique machines to sew I though I would use the featherweight for this one as I haven’t used it much lately – it was cleaned, oiled and ready to go.


And here are some of the sub sets with a lot more to go!  I will sew some and then cut some more and vary it up a bit – I will do this one the size that Bonnie’s instructions are for and it should finish up at about 72 x 72 inches.  Wish me luck!  I will be linking up to Bonnie’s site now and publishing right away as the link closes in 3 hours – I got off to a late start on this!! I will do another post for tomorrow.


Linking to Busy Hands Quilts –Confessions of a Fabric Addict

20 comments… add one
  • Dottie Bishaw Nov 29, 2018 @ 20:01

    Oh, you are so funny! I too, wasn’t going to do this one, but I got caught up in the excitement and ordered a half yard fabric bundle of the colors from Quilted Twins. They had put together a bundle of the colors and I couldn’t resist. I also picked up the color cards from Lowes, lol! I’m printing all the clues every Friday and put everything in a project box for after the holidays. I look forward to seeing you do this quilt your way. Have fun.

    • Karen Nov 29, 2018 @ 20:12

      We are some pair aren’t we Dottie – we do think alike when it comes to quilts. I saw the bundles offered and was tempted but I do believe I probably have enough here to do it – I didn’t get the paint chips I might have to write those numbers down and check them out. I will need to find another box to keep all these pieces in.

  • audrey Nov 29, 2018 @ 23:23

    Some challenges are so hard to resist! lol

    • Karen Nov 30, 2018 @ 7:37

      LOL – yes thought I would try it for a change

  • Gail Nov 29, 2018 @ 23:37

    Looks like a lot of people are caught up in doing Bonnie’s quilt. I gathered fabric together (picked up some fat quarters at the Quilt Show a few weeks ago) and am working on the first set as well. I was going to use my featherweight too but haven’t used it in awhile and it was slow to start running. Like it needs to warm up. I think it needs a cleanup and oil. Maybe grease in the motor. Just spent money on getting the regular machine serviced can’t send this one out right now.

    • Karen Nov 30, 2018 @ 7:39

      hope you get your featherweight working – I doubt I will keep up with the instructions but I will try to not get too far behind!

  • Marianne Nov 30, 2018 @ 4:59

    I, too, say I hate mystery quilts, but I’m doing two this year – BH’s and also my local guild’s. I’m use scraps from stash for the BH one and actually bought some coordinating fabrics for the guild one. I do hope they turn out as I haven’t had a lot of luck in the past. I used to say I hated the mystery that ended up being Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll (a BH pattern), but that quilt has grown on me. Anyway, it took me a few days to do this first week’s clue, but they are done and tucked away. What a feeling of accomplishment!

    • Karen Nov 30, 2018 @ 7:39

      I thought seeing as Bonnie is so good about talking about color maybe I could do this one – we shall see!!

  • Diann Bottrell Nov 30, 2018 @ 8:20

    I’ve never done a Bonnie mystery quilt, but it’s always fun to see what happens with them! Those red and neutral 4 patches are definitely enticing – something about that color combination really appeals to me. I’ll enjoy following along with you!

    • Karen Nov 30, 2018 @ 8:27

      I like this color combo and the second week instructions came out today and I like those too – I’m not so sure about the others coming up though!

  • Kathi Clower Nov 30, 2018 @ 8:56

    III hope you enjoy doing Bonnie’s mystery! Have fun with your sweet fw too 🙂 Kathi

    • Karen Nov 30, 2018 @ 8:57

      thanks Kathi – best thing about Bonnie’s quilts is you use your scraps and I have a ton of them to use!

  • Sandra B Nov 30, 2018 @ 16:10

    Oh my goodness, Karen…. I am feeling the pull to do this mystery! I am already in the middle of Bonnie’s Carolina Chain quilt!! So I shouldn’t even be thinking about doing the mystery! I think I could make it totally from my stash and scraps…. That is a plus, right?! If I do end up doing the mystery, I will definitely be doing it by machine… The blocks for Carolina Chain are going pretty well with the hand piecing, but I don’t think I could hand piece two Bonnie quilts at the same time…
    Will think on this a few more days…in the meantime I have printed the instructions for the first two clues and I have the paint numbers….I have to go to Lowes’s tomorrow anyway, so I might as well pick up the paint chips…right?! I will decide one way or the other before Clue 3 comes out next Friday….

    • Karen Nov 30, 2018 @ 16:39

      Lol I know what you mean I had no intention of making this and never do mystery’s I don’t know why this one pulled me in – I have saved some of the others and never made them. I had progress on the 4- patches today but a long way to go – I would like to finish the first step before starting the second – I hadn’t even looked at the chips i guess I should as I assume I have enough in the stash

  • Carla Therrien Dec 1, 2018 @ 6:32

    I have held off doing a Bonnie mystery but this year I am going to download the pattern. But, there’s no way I am starting until I can see the final quilt. I know I am a big chicken. I have plenty to do and really don’t need another project so that helps alot.

    • Karen Dec 1, 2018 @ 7:41

      I think I have two others saved that I never made as I never got around to them. I have too much to do too but I was talking about using up scraps and just jumped in

  • elaine Dec 2, 2018 @ 7:59

    Love your fabrics, I have done several of Bonnie’s Mysteries, they always turn out great

    • Karen Dec 2, 2018 @ 8:13

      thanks – I have seen so many of Bonnie’s quilts and made a few from her books but never the mystery – I will follow her colors

  • Karla (threadbndr) Dec 2, 2018 @ 9:29

    I am valiantly resisting the BH mystery this year. I have a partially finished Ringo Lake in the stash. At the end, I saw so many ‘alternate color’ ones that I like better than the ‘recommended colors’ and rather fell out of love with mine. The plan now is to downsize it to a throw and use it for FMQ practice.

    I’m saving the clues and will make a decision on “Good Fortune” later. In general, I really like her quilts, but I’m not a big orange/cheddar/coral person and she does like those colors….

    • Karen Dec 2, 2018 @ 9:47

      I hope I will like the colors when all in the quilt – I am not so much a fan of orange but what to use in place of it if I would change my mind? without knowing the pattern I would screw it up!

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