Friday, 23 November 2018

Whoo Hoo

I really actually feel like I need a whoop whoop for this one.  At the beginning of this month I discovered the great One Monthly Goal linky party at Elm Street Quilts.  The timing was apt because I'd just got my dreaded box of UFOs out of the basement, sorted through them and decided to make myself accountable for actually finishing a few.

I chose to set the goal of finishing a scrap quilt top that I began making for my nephews around 4 years ago and despite having been super busy clearing out the basement and the garage and fitting sewing sessions in between child minding and trips to the thrift store and garbage dump I have done it.  Here it is, I am really pleased with how it's looking.

Anyone who saw the previous post will notice that the design has undergone a bit of a change, before there were puffs of smoke where now there are trees.  Basically I decided that the smoke was too hard (sad I know) but also I remembered another UFO lurking at the bottom of the box and decided to kill two birds with one stone.  I deconstructed this even older project
I made these trees around six years ago, I think they were inspired by this Anna Maria Horner 'Feather Bed' pattern.  I'm very happy with how they turned out as background, I like the feeling of the deep, dark woods that they give, maybe there's a Gruffalo in there.  Also the train has changed direction!  This is because when I looked at the pictures of the design my kids originally came up with it was this way around.

I used lots of fairly haphazard techniques for the different blocks.  The train is appliqued with blanket stitch, mostly by machine with a bit of handwork.  The sleepers are strips that were sewn together then sliced length ways and flipped with the background inserted to represent the tracks.

So what of the smoke puffs?  Never fear, I think I will use them on the back for a stepping stone type effect.  I'm thinking something like this.

I'm really hoping to get the back finished over the weekend and the whole thing quilted and bound by next Friday.  If I do I can get it in the mail and with a lot of luck it may reach England in time for Christmas.  Fingers and toes crossed for that one.

Linking up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict and One Monthly Goal (OMG) at Elm Street Quilts.


  1. What a great job of reviving a UFO and get it moving forward. Now it's all about keeping up the momentum. Best wishes!

    BTW, thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! I tried to reply to your comment, but you come up as "noreply-comment". If you do a google search, you can find out how to undo that.

    1. Thank you so much for both of your comments, I shall get googling straight away and I am determined to get this one finished now. Watch this space.

  2. Isn't it wonderful when those long-hibernating quilts inspire you to try new solutions to the old problems and you get them finished. The result is stunning; well done!

  3. Thank you. It does feel good to be getting things done and out of the way, it makes me feel a little lighter. When I get a few more finished I might actually be able to start something new, which will be good because looking at everybody else's work is very inspiring.

  4. This is wonderful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts and congrats on your finish!

  5. How wonderful to pick up something after 4 years and get it finished. I love the month goal thing because I am wired to achieve goals, but have to set them first! I like that it doesn't have to be a finish goal but just a step goal and that's what I am doing at present. Kathryn Quilts

  6. Your project is beautiful, love the colors, and so many techniques ;)

  7. Way to go! I think you will find, as I did, that this OMG is a great motivator. Not only because of the possible prizes (always a treat) but just because you become accountable. Hope to see you in the coming months. At least, I hope Patty will do OMG in 2019!!

  8. Way too nice to be a UFO. Well done.

  9. This looks wonderful. I love the train. Congrats on completing your monthly goal :)
