A Rather Late Birthday Present

My birthday was in late September while we were travel – I normally pick out my own birthday present.  Instead of something quilting I had seen a Yarn Bowl on line in various places and hoped to find one while we were traveling as we go in and out of so many arts and craft type of gift shops while traveling – I love pottery and have seen them in pottery and in wood.  I didn’t find any while traveling and that was a disappointment but as soon as we got home I ordered one in wood that I had seen on Amazon and it arrived quickly and I got it yesterday.

Even if I never get any better at crochet then making scarfs I will have something pretty to put yarn in.  If you have long knitting needles or Tunisian Crochet hooks they can stick out of the additional holes on the side.  Pretty – have you seen these.  This one is 7 inches by 4 inches.


I got 2 Daisy Chain blocks prepped and started on one last night while watching the news.


Fall Harvest the middle part of the final border got done on Monday night and I picked up from there last night working my way to the left side.  I’m linking to Confessions of a Fabric AddictSew Fresh QuiltsMidweek Makers #147My Quilt Infatuation


The design table is cleaned off – for how long I wonder LOL


Fall at our house – I am back to taking several shorter walks a day around the property and back to the fitness center as well – some of the trees are bare already and some are half green and half yellow like this one, some are red and some haven’t turned at all yet.  Wonder what it will be like after we get the 24-30 hours of rain that is supposed to start early this morning!  I’m glad the colors waited until we got home but I don’t want them to disappear too fast!

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Happy Halloween

22 comments… add one
  • Kaholly Oct 31, 2018 @ 6:32

    Your property looks lovely, rustic and quiet. You chose a wonderful birthday gift!

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 8:00

      thanks! it is kind of rustic out here and yes the yarn bowl is kind of neat I think I was surprised no one was making them at all the different shops we had stopped at – so many had items made in wood like wood vases and bowls and things but no bowls like this and none in pottery either

  • Kathi Clower Oct 31, 2018 @ 7:56

    I love how fall looks at your home… we all all the fall colors coming out on our drives into town… I love it! After being starved of fun colors we are loving the explosion of colors we get in NC 🙂 I love your bowl and Happy Birthday to you belatedly …. my best friend has a yarn bowl of wood like that and loves it as well!
    You are so close to finishing your fall quilt!! I can’t wait for Round we go to take it’s turn to be quilted next 🙂 I ordered fabric to make a wallet and also ordered a new case for my older iPhone… decided I would keep it but my wallet/wristlet I use is worn out so I am making my own next week when I get all the supplies 🙂 Have a great Halloween ! Do you get many kids trick or treating?? Kathi

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 8:06

      being out in the country like we are and not having any young children ourselves we stopped having kids stop here shortly after our own children got into high school and then left home. I think most around here bring their children to sponsored events at their churches and places like that. I was glad to notice that I do not miss the big tree that was by our porch when we came home to notice that we had no big mess of leafs on the porch to clean up lol – it was so close to the porch that I was having to sweep or blow off the porch every day for several weeks until it was finally all gone – we have enough further away from the house that it is still pretty.

  • Diann Bottrell Oct 31, 2018 @ 8:54

    Your yarn bowl is great! I love the design of it – functional and pretty. Happy Halloween and happy sewing today!

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 8:56

      I love it – and think even if I never really get into crochet it is something pretty for the room

  • Roseanne Oct 31, 2018 @ 8:56

    Hi Karen,
    Oh, what a beautiful wooden bowl. My sister was a huge lover of crocheting. I can remember her always looking for something to hold her yarn that looked nice yet would allow it to pull out easily. That bowl looks perfect for that. She used something called a Yarn Barn – it looked like a 2-liter soda bottle. That was years ago. Happy Halloween! ~smile~ Roseanne

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 8:59

      yes I have seen all kinds of things to store your yarn in and I have been using a tote bag but with that too my yarn becomes a mess – if working with one color it is easy to just put one ball of yarn in the bowl so it doesn’t get tangled up

  • chrisknits Oct 31, 2018 @ 9:37

    I have 2, one sits next to my chair and holds needles, st markers, pens, and all kinds of stuff. The other sits on my cutting table and holds trimmings and trash. LOL I have used them for my knitting, but they end up so full of stuff I can never get my yarn in them.

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 9:44

      LOL – I wonder how this one will work for me – I have not gotten into crochet as much as I always intend to but would like to always have a ball of yarn in the bowl with some needles to pick up when I feel like taking some stitches – I could see picking up another one or two in the future. There are so many different designs

  • Dottie Bishaw Oct 31, 2018 @ 11:11

    What a pretty bowl that is, I’ve seen them before, a good idea. We’ve had a little shower already this morning and are supposed to get the heavy stuff this afternoon. I doubt that we will have a lot of kids this year because of the rain and cold. I’m glad you are back to your routine and enjoying it. Your yard looks beautiful with the fall colors. Have a good day!

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 11:15

      thanks Dottie. The only places I have seen the yarn bowls are on line. I will be surprised with the rain if even Aniya shows up this evening. We never get any other kids although I always get a small bag of candy just in case – I always get what I like of course!

  • Vicki W Oct 31, 2018 @ 13:01

    I can’t believe you didn’t find a good yaen bowl on your trip. Usually you see them in every gift shop!

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 14:25

      I was too – we stop at so many places and didn’t see even one I didn’t like!!

  • Carla Therrien Oct 31, 2018 @ 13:46

    I have seen the bowls but never invested one. They are pretty with yarn in them!

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 14:25

      They are – I like decorations!

  • Audrey Oct 31, 2018 @ 17:47

    How lovely for you to get back into all the home routines! I love the yarn bowl. How fun is that?:)

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 18:28

      I really like the yarn bowl – I was really surprised though that I didn’t see any in all the shops.

  • Janice Oct 31, 2018 @ 19:37

    I am not a knitter or crocheter but I have a friend who is. I’ve seen that yarn bowl advertised and liked it so much I called her husband and suggested he get it for a gift. Don’t know if he ever did or not, but I love that it is wood and the design is so elegant. I’m a sucker for wood stuff anyway.

    • Karen Oct 31, 2018 @ 19:51

      I like it more than the pottery ones I have seen – Amazon has a lot in wood

  • Nanette Chopin Nov 1, 2018 @ 11:27

    Thx for the tip on the Yarn Bowl! I ordered one along with a yarn winder and a yarn swift! Now I am all set to go for the winter!

    We are heading to Sierra Vista AZ for a 2 week or so stay! I am looking forward to it as I miss the traveling in the RV. I plan on taking my knitting and one applique or embroidery project for evening work!

    • Karen Nov 1, 2018 @ 11:47

      I don’t work with yarn enough to get a winder and things – maybe one day. Have fun in AZ

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