
Backyard Wildlife Wednesday - The Pool is Open!

The fountain has only been open one week....and you won't 
believe who is visiting already!

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!



Overnight at the Route 66 Casino RV Resort

A couple of weeks ago, we took RC for her first overnight trip to the Route 66 Casino RV Park. About 30 miles southeast of us, the Route 66 Casino RV Park was the perfect place to make sure everything in RC was in good working order. It was far enough away that Daddy could get a feel of how it would be towing JeeJee the Jeep and close enough that, if anything happened, we could easily get home!

All the blinds worked well. I, Sunny, spent a lot of time looking out the window.

We had the park almost all to ourselves because it was windy and chilly outside.

....and there were a couple of passing storms.

That didn't bother us though, and we got out for lots of walkies!

We saw a pretty sunset....

Daddy took a walk to the casino, and took this cool nighttime picture.

After Daddy got back, we all got a good night's sleep!

We got up early the next morning, and helped
watched Daddy and Mama check things out and pack up to go home!

"You doing ok out there, Daddy?"

Here we are with RC...Isn't she a beauty???

We are happy to report that only a few very minor things are in need of repair, and nothing big enough to stop us from our next trip to Tucumcari, NM!!

More on Tucumcari next week!


We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



March at the Sasebo Japanese Garden

Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. Today, on this first Friday of Spring, we wanted to take you back to see what is blooming at the Sasebo Japanese Garden(part of the ABQ BioPark Botanic Gardens). 

We showed you how it looked during February in this postand today we want to share how it looks when the blooms just begin to peek out in March.

The Magnolia tree is starting to bloom,

They have the most delicate little flowers

Mama thinks this may be a Dwarf Weeping Cherry Tree 

It was also just starting to bloom!

I was worried about that weeping tree for a minute, but Mama reminded me that it is called a "Weeping"
tree because the branches are droopy and not because it cries a lot.
Whew! I just hate when trees are sad, don't you??

The waterfall still looks pretty much the same, except we can see a few green buds on those big trees.

Behind the pond, Mama saw a Pink Magnolia tree blooming!

She was very happy to be able to catch these blooms earlier this week because the temperatures dipped way below freezing last night and she is afraid the pretty blooms may not have made it.

We hoped you enjoyed our March tour of the Sasebo Garden. Mama hopes to see a bunch more blooming soon and looks forward to going back in a few weeks to see even more color!

In the meantime, Sunny will be back next Friday to show you some of what is blooming in the other parts of the ABQ Botanical Gardens.

We sure hope Spring is starting to Spring in your area of Blogville and you get to get outside and enjoy some nature this weekend!!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page. 

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Thankful for a Working Fountain!

Mmmm Hmmm


Yep, I do believe the fountain is really fixed this time, Mama.

After a couple of months of trying to fix it herself....Mama finally called the fountain repair people. The birdies are VERY happy to have their bath house/drinking fountain finally fixed(especially in time for migration season).

Mama is very thankful to have the soothing fountain noises back!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

This week on BWW, we are taking another look at the Northern Flicker. We have a few pairs that have been living in our backyard for the past couple of years. As you'll be able to see, they all  really enjoyed the seed cake!

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE

We saw Mama making some surprised faces when she was looking at the latest footage from TC last night. We can't wait to see who has been visiting our backyard during the warmer nights of Spring!

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!



The Year of the Mother Road

Happy Travel Tuesday!!  Today we are visiting the Enchanted Trails RV Park and Trading Post off of Route 66 right here in Albuquerque!

 Enchanted Trails was originally a trading post that opened back in the late 1940s. 

The pawrents wanted to check out this RV park as a possible place to visit with RC. It is only 20 minutes away and perfect if we just needed to "get away" after a rough week.  Although we didn't stay at this park, Mama did walk around with Daddy and they found a fun little group of old time trailers and cars! 

The pawrents said it felt like they were transported back in time!

Most of these trailers are available to stay in for a fun retro vacation!

Mama had fun playing with the pictures she took. She thought it would be fun to have them travel back on time to the age of the older cars and travel trailers!

Which do you like more...the sepia type color....

or the silvery black and white???

and just in case you were wondering what the vintage trailer park looks like in color....

Mama says this is the trailer/car combo she would have chosen "back in the day"

You will probably be seeing a lot of Route 66(aka the Mother Road) around here this travel season. You see, next year is the 100th Anniversary of when the Mother Road opened in 1926! This year we will be visiting Tucumcari, NM again(next weekend) and in May we will be traveling to Grants, NM again! You can bet Mama will be taking lots of pictures, so fun blog posts will follow!

You  never know, this might be the year we get to go farther North on Route 66!

A girl can dream, right???

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!