Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunday Selfies

I wuz hangin out in da kitchen dis morning - hopin for some bonus bacon, but no such luck. Da peeps decided to eat lemon coffee cake instead. I told em I'd take some of dat, but dey didn't share. I are kinda like Garfield - I luvs gettin any hooman food I can!

Crockett looks like he wuz makin my momma an offer she couldn't refuse. Well, eggcept for da tongue. It kinda ruins his whole tuff guy look.

Angelique just went for a glamour shot selfie. I gotta give da girl credit, she duz do a diva shot well.


  1. Everyone looks very purrfect today. We think being denied bonus bacon is just mean. But Crockett... You just aren't meant to do the tough guy thing.

  2. Lemon coffee cake? We woulda passed on that.

  3. Yup, too much tongue ruins the whole extra bacon is deserved look, MOL But Angelique has taken her glam look to Hollywood Oscar level and surely that carries the day for the boys too?
    Toodle pips and purrs

  4. Angelique is a diva purr(par)excellance!

    Aww, bacon should be served as a side dish with the coffee cake...or maybe as the main course with the coffee cake on the side, MOL!

  5. I think you definitely should have had a bit of bonus bacon - after all - you're going to be THE STAR in a painting of YOU !!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Cody's like you, every single night no matter when he has eaten, he wants a taste of our human food, and it's my fault! I am the one that started this bad habit. Oh and that coffee cake sounds wonderful!

    1. Yeah, da mommas know dey are parshually to blame - but I also has stolen food (even as a kitten).

  7. I wonder why you didn't get some of that super sugerly coffee cakes, Travis, maybe because they may speed you up...MOL :D Great Selfies again of all of you :) Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead :) <3

    1. Den I could just get some extra nip to chill me out!

  8. You always do great selfies!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Crockett made us laugh. You are right, it totally ruins the tough look.

  10. Pawesome selfies!! I are all about da hooman food. I gets right up close to Mamas face if her are eating on da couch in hopes of a nibble.

    Matilda (& Matt)

  11. The glamour shots do tend to make the humans go "ooh aww..." I purr-sonally think you can look tough and have a raspberry at the same time! Tee hee hee.


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.