Monday, 20 August 2018

Sunday Selfies on a Monday

Hello everybody I'm late for Sunday Selfies....its Sunday Selfies on a Monday!
morning snack time!


  1. Speedy you're such a handsome bunny! You look so much like my own fellow Curtis!

  2. Hi Speedy, thats a great selfie, a hint of mystery too. Sort of how I look in the (very) early morning after I’ve been out (hunting) and want a quick snack. Have a great week and hopes the sun comes out again soon!
    Toodle pips and purrs

  3. Speedy, you can share a handsome selfie any day of the week.

  4. Mee-you Speedy yur hansum no matter what day it iss!!! LadyMum REEELLY enjoyed mee-yowin with Aunty Rachel. Shee iss all wayss so happy aftur they talk....maybe they should mee-yow more offen, mew mew mew....
    Sendin all of youss' LUV an ***nose rubsss*** Purrince Siddhartha xXx

  5. What's next? Easter Sunday on Tuesday?

  6. Better late than never - looking good!

  7. Hi Speedy! We're glad to see you joining the hop. Looking handsome, as always!

  8. Hey there Speedy - u iz lookin'most handsum az alwayz. Bet u look just az handsum on Monday az u did on Sunday or any other day. An'any day or time iz good fer a snack.
    Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie

  9. Good to see you Speedy. We got a bit worried there for a moment!!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  10. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay black on white on black!!! i like it!!! ok bye

  11. Lookin furabuluss mee furend. Fankss fur beein mee Cuss-inn an furend.
    Bee seein you Speedy.
    ~~head rubsss~~ the not so Buudhist mankat Siddhartha Heintje~~


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