Thursday, August 16, 2018

Throwback Thursday

This post is from way back on August 18 2014. Glitter and Cashmere hadn't been here that long at the time and Star was still with us. It's all about the:

Game of Red Dot
We pulled out the red dot to see if the new kitties would like it. Leo has always refused to so much as look at it and acknowledge it's existence! I wondered if his sisters would feel the same.
Cashmere noticed it right off the bat, but it was hard to get her to do more than follow it around.
What is this? Some flat red bug?

Sure moves around a lot..

Oh, now it's way to high up, couldn't reach it if I wanted to.

She finally reached for it, just this once. The camera focused and flashed on something else, so it was way too dark and this was the best I could do lightening it.
Hey! I put my paw on it, how'd it get on top of my paw??

Yeah.. seriously don't know what to think about this thing. I'm just gonna watch for a while..

Glitter was on the tree, so we swung it over so she could see it. All she did was watch it too.

Hmm, interesting. I guess.

Ok, it moves. Not worth getting out of my comfy spot though.

Star usually LOVES the red dot! She can hear you pick it up from across the room! But after watching the girls interact with it, she was huffy and decided not to play.

You come to me last? Me?! The one who loves you the most! Forget it, red dot, you're on your own today. So there.
Guess we'll have to try it another day..
We have had the red dot out occasionally and Cashmere still likes it, but isn't about tearing after it like Star was, she usually waits for it to come near, then pounces. Glitter will try to give it a pat or two, but also does not chase. Leo, most surprising, actually ran after it a little bit once! Highly unusual since he usually acts like he can't even see it!
We hope you all win at Red Dot someday! Thanks for looking at our Throwback Thursday!!

It's also Thankful Thursday and we're thankful for throwbacks! And red dots! :D



Summer said...

Boodie loves the red dot. Binga and I don't really care about it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Simon and Seal chase that red dot every evening! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

The Island Cats said...

We still haven't caught the red dot yet...but we will one day!

pilch92 said...

None of us has ever caught the red dot :) Cute flashback.

Eastside Cats said...

This reminds me that I haven't played with Da Boyz and their red dot in too long!

Feline Opines said...

Oh we kive the red dot. Our Humans are so lazy they bought us a red dot machine. All they have to do is turn it on and walk away!
Purrs & Head Bonks,
Alberto & The Tribe of Five

Kathy Fleming said...

Love your cute throwback pics.

Dash Kitten said...

Ours love the red dot, it is still the best fun for any of us.