Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Road Trip 🚙 Stitching ✂️ 2018

We went on a road trip to California and back earlier this month. Here are a few stitching and other highlights.

This was my main passenger project. I stitched it from a pattern I got at one of our local quilt shops, Eagle Creek Quilt Shop. It didn't come with a color key so I had to wing it. I was going for the rainbow look:

I also crocheted 10 of these hanging kitchen towels. Two were gifted before I could take a photo. I buy the towels at Costco in a bundle of 10, crochet across the first row using an awl, steel crochet hook and crochet cotton, then crochet the topper with worsted weight yarn:

Here's one in action:
We stopped at four parks along the way. Here are myself, DH and DD2 at Toadstool Geological Park in northwestern Nebraska, a gem of a park that is way off the beaten track:
Here is my quilting sista Rose of Something RoseMade. We were both on road trips and met up for a hug and photo shoot in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. How cool is that!?!

Dinosaur National Monument on the borders of Colorado and Utah is well worth the stop!

Here is DD2 with one of five teddy bears she made for Mother Bear Project, while on our trip. She has made 669 Mother Bear teddy bears in her life so far! Notice the giant dinosaur leg bone she is standing next to!

We came across this "shoe tree" on Highway 50 in Nevada. There were thousands of shoes hanging from the branches!

We made a stop at Workman Farm's Quilt Shop in Fallon, Nevada:

This Singer 201 belonged to DH's grandmother. Come back on Saturday to see what I sewed on it:

On our way home we stopped at Redwood National Park. Those trees are waaay too big to photograph. But this sign in the middle of the forest made us laugh:

Elk are easily seen in Redwood National Park. They were very accustomed to cars and did not run: 

While we were traveling, my Ruby Tsunami quilt was in the Ruby Retrospective display at the Minnesota Quilters quilt show in St. Cloud, MN, far left:

We got back just in time to celebrate my nephew, Jonathan's, graduation from high school. Here he is at the party with the t-shirt quilt I made for him:

Thanks for taking a little road trip reflection with me! What do you like to stitch on road trips?
Grace & peace!!! ~Nancy

Linking up with Let's Bee Social, The Inquiring QuilterNeedle & Thread Thursday,  Confessions of a Fabric AddictFriday Foto FunTGIFF.


  1. Thanks for sharing your road trip highlights. And what fun meeting up with another blogger!

  2. What a fun blog post. It's amazing how productive you are, even on the road traveling! Your trip looked so interesting.
    Quilter Bonnie

  3. Wow, sounds like you had a super fun road trip! Great quilt show with all the red and white quilts, was that a challenge category?

    1. The "Ruby Retrospective" was part of a special display for the 40th anniversary of our guild, Minnesota Quilters. The traditional gift for a 40th anniversary is ruby so everyone in my small group made a red & white quilt.

  4. Fun post, Nancy, getting to see your projects as well as some of the fun you had on the trip! Your quilt is still one of my favorites from the quilt show! Welcome home!

  5. Looks like it was a wonderful trip! How fun that you got to meet Rose in real life :)

  6. Great pix of your trip, thanks for sharing them with us so we could see what you have been up to! Redwood forest is on my bucket list, love that sign:) Meeting blog friends in person-very cool.

  7. Great trip and great photos! How cool that you met Rose so far away from both of your homes! I'm going on a trip starting tomorrow and I plan to bring lots of English Paper Piecing with me!

  8. What a fun trip! Love your sewing project and I thick you did well with no color chart! I have given up my road sewing for some readon (and have plenty of time when we go back and forth from Massachusetts to Maine). So great to see you and Rose again and your Ruby Tsunami at the show. Looking forward to seeing your Saturday post and your creation on your new-old machine.

  9. Quilty friends are the best. Looks like you are having fun. Love the Ruby Tsunami. I will not tire of seeing it - you can post it a million times :-) I am going on a trip this weekend to meet my long-time quilty buddy. Yes, there will be pictures :-)

  10. What a fun fun trip! I enjoyed seeing all your pictures! And you did a wonderful job on the embroidery! It's so cute!

  11. I love seeing all of your vacation photos and of course the dinosaur bones. But the best, being partial is the one of us together. It was fun after joking around that we might meet up on the road to actually do it, albeit very briefly. Road trips are the best; love having a hand project to take with me. I've done appliquéing, paper piecing, yo-yos and hand piecing and knitting, don't have a favorite. I can't wait to see more about your new sewing machine.

  12. What a wonderful trip! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, and on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  13. Sounds like it was a great trip. So cool to see you & Rose together and it's super awesome that you could meet up!


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