The Sewing Space

I had to reorganize my sewing space a little bit so that I can leave the antique machine out so that I can use it seeing as it works.  I had planned on putting it on the shelf for a decoration.  Yesterday though I got it as clean as I could get it, oiled everything well, learned how to wind the bobbin and made space for it!  This machine is heavy – nothing like the featherweight so I have to have it where I can simply pull it forward to use.  I still have plenty of room for my laptop and things.  The other table had been raised as I was prepping some pieces and easier to work.  When the table goes back down to the regular height the Babylock (under the white cover) is pushed to the back of the table but because of the height of the shelf on the wall I have to pull it forward so it doesn’t bump underneath.


Glue basting LOL – my flat irons come out to use as weights.


One wreath ready to applique and one large hexie ready for whenever I’m ready – I think I might called these large hexie blocks “Lazy Daisy Chain” or just “Daisy Chain” as they all go together as a chain might.


The other blocks that go with that one.


Tumalo Trails from Wednesday night


Got a little more marked and it was ready for quilting last night.  Right now I am trying to quilt for 45 minutes or there about and then take a break and about 20 minutes later come back and see if I can or want to do more – or like last night I did some marking instead .  This Friday I am linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict


I know a lot of the blogs that I read are in Blogger and people have been having trouble with answering comments but do any of you that use blogger and have it set up so people have to verify they are not a robot to leave a comment realize that it is asking people go through a series of photos over and over again?   Sometimes you have to click on all photos with street lights and you do and another series pops up, then another, then it will ask you to verify roads,  or street signs – sometimes it ask you to do this more than 5 or 6 times in a row – this is not normal – it used to only ask you to this once or twice – and this is happening on a lot of blogs now — sometimes to the point that I finally quit and do not leave a comment — is this happening to everyone?  This is too much work to leave a comment.

16 comments… add one
  • Mary Jun 29, 2018 @ 7:58

    I love sewing on vintage machines. So glad this one works.

    • Karen Jun 29, 2018 @ 8:02

      I hope it will work well once I get started on something – I hate to start another project just so that I can use it LOL – but everything I am working on right now is hand work!! I have the flannel almost all cut and ready to work on so I think I will try that one out with the antique machine and not get anything else started. I had all the colorful pieces cut for that one but still have the background to cut and it was a lot of cutting still for it.

  • maxine lesline Jun 29, 2018 @ 8:02

    The old Singer is great to see and to hear about. Didn’t realize that bloggers have problems with doing it… reading yours is the start of my day.. so I hope it goes on.

    • Karen Jun 29, 2018 @ 8:19

      I will start to use the antique machine on whatever quilt I decide to start piecing next

  • Diann Bottrell Jun 29, 2018 @ 9:51

    I laughed at your glue basting photo – love it! Those Daisy Chain blocks are neat – I like how they go together. I have had that verification thing happen on blogs before, too, although not recently. I hope you aren’t seeing that on my blog.

    • Karen Jun 29, 2018 @ 12:37

      I don’t remember off hand which blogs this has happened on – I will make a note of it and let people know in an email
      I don’t have any fabric weights I know you can get some small one 🙂 but the irons are handy aren’t’ they!

  • Kathi Clower Jun 29, 2018 @ 9:58

    I love all your quilting sharing on this post… nice to be home and rested from your trip I guess… or back to catching up on your photos!
    I love that you are leaving your red eye out to use on a future project and I am happy you have more Daisy Chain hexies made 😀 Your new hand quilting strategy … I hope it lets you quilt longer in your life too!
    Have a blessed day my friend… and does my blogger posts make you verify you aren’t a robot with many pics??? Kathi

    • Karen Jun 29, 2018 @ 12:39

      LOL I guess I really don’t rest after a trip – I get tired of the sitting long hours when we are going from one place to the next though and love just wandering room to room at home instead of being in a little space.
      Aren’t the Daisy Chain hexies cute – I’m not sure how large it will be.
      I will make a list of blogs that do this with the verification and let people know in an email – I really don’t recall which ones off hand.

  • Paula Jun 29, 2018 @ 10:07

    I hope you love your machine as much as I love my Grandma’s. I make almost all of my quilts on it and have even quilted several on it. Keep in mine it’s probably a low shank machine and can use the same feet. Enjoy.

    • Karen Jun 29, 2018 @ 12:39

      that is neat that you are able to quilt on your old machine besides piece – I will be giving it a try on mine

  • Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow Jun 29, 2018 @ 10:25

    The sewing space looks wonderful with that pretty addition! 🙂

    • Karen Jun 29, 2018 @ 12:40

      It is a pretty addition to the sewing room isn’t it

  • Dottie Bishaw Jun 29, 2018 @ 12:29

    Your sewing room is so pretty to look at, I love it. How nice to find such a good use for your antique irons, I’ll have to remember to use mine that way too. Are you going to make a quilt with the hexie blocks, Daisy Chain? I was pruning some shrubs this morning while it was still cool and now in the house to keep cool and do some EPP. Glad you pace yourself when you’re quilting.

    • Karen Jun 29, 2018 @ 12:41

      I don’t know how large Daisy Chain will be well just have to see if I get tired of it. I am tired of Round We Go and thinking of making a lap quilt with the circles I have done and save the rest of the patterns for another quilt or combine pieces for something entirely different!

  • jean Jul 1, 2018 @ 22:29

    LOVE your old irons, and use of them as well. And love the cable quilting! beautiful!

    • Karen Jul 2, 2018 @ 7:58

      yes I always use my old irons as weights – they earn their keep in the sewing room 🙂

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