Sewing Day

I had the chance to have a whole sewing day last Saturday, an event organised locally by 2 lovely ladies. I joined the first one in March and worked on one of the dance bag (and had a blast) so as soon as the second was advertised, I booked again! No big project this time but I took various bits and pieces to work on.

The first was not-exciting sewing but I was glad to get it done. I bought this lovely spotty fabric in the Cloth House Warehouse sale in May that I wanted to make into napkins for our family meals.

And because it is quite boring sewing, I thought it would be easier to get it done while dedicating an hour or so to it than trying to squeeze it here and there and home as this would be never ending.
So I now have 2 lovely sets of napkins that we used already last week-end for Father's Day lunch.
My next project was to make a new PE bag to my son as he felt he had overgrown his previous one! So again with lovely coated cotton fabric I bought in the Cloth House Warehouse sale in May, I cut a new PE bag. The fabric is lovely to the touch but fray so much that I didn't go any further than the cutting as it needed to be overlocked to avoid the bag being destroyed within a week of its use! I overlocked the pieces when I got back home in the evening and quickly finished the bag that has already been in use this week!
From then I move on to work on my first teacher's gift (I know, shocking, right when there is still more than a month left of school!), this is just so not like me to start so early :-) I decided on the trusted and tested open wide pouch for my middle daughter's teacher, using some leftover fabric from my daughter's school bag (which also came from Cloth House Warehouse but last year!) and more coated cotton fabric from the Cloth House Warehouse sale.

I cut all the pieces and the interfacing but this time I followed a (new-to-me) tutorial by Stitch Mischief which is absolutely fab. I will definitely use it again. For the first try. I followed the instructions blindly so ended up with the bigger-sized pouch, which is huge! so I added a little pocket inside.

Again this was finished at home because I didn't have the right size zip with me but I am so glad that it is ready to be gifted already (unless I decide to keep it...)
 And finally, the last project I worked on during the Sewing Day was the Scrappy Trip Along, where of course I have been falling behind... I managed to finish a second black block and sew all my yellow strips, still a long way to go of course!

And with that I have 4 more OPAMs for June and one off my Q2 FAL as well. It felt so good to sew to my heart content!
Linking to Whoop Whoop Friday.



  1. Lots of great finished projects, well done! Thanks for linking up on behalf of the 2018 global Finish-A-Long hosts.


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