A quilt for a 5 years old boy

Texte en français en bas de la page

 When my sister announced she was expecting a second child, I decided it was time for me to start quilting. I had wanted to try since some time, but I really needed to start for this baby.

So I made a few small projects (pillows) and then a baby blanket. Then I remembered how my kids felt when a new baby arrived in the family. All that attention and all the gifts were directed to the new baby. It was a difficult time for the older siblings. My nephew is 5 years old. He is home schooled and has the full attention of his parents and great parents most of the time... What a shock for him!

So I decided I would make a quilt for him too. But then came the difficult decision time. To make a baby quilt is easy; you just have to please the parents. But how to please a 5 years old with a quilt? I live far away from my family and don't see them very often. My sister told me that he is an NBA fan and he likes dragon.
His favourite Lakers player...

 I had already made him an NBA themed gift for Christmas (my sister hoped it would make him wear long sleeves) - and I felt it was the end of my inspiration on that theme. 

And I frankly I felt dragons were out of my league.

But my Mom takes him at least once a month to the aquarium. And she says he can stay an hour in front of the octopus. He gave me an octopus drawing for Christmas.

So Octopus it would be. I made a plan.

and then I found fabrics. It is a collection based on Monet's painting "les nympheas"
I liked the blue and green colors and the prints made me think about octopus' tentacles. I bought a 10 coupon bundle online, with the intention to use the 5 prints on the left for the octopus and keep the rest for another project.

After cutting my half- squares, I realized I had made some calculation mistakes and the quilt would be a lot smaller than I had intended. In the end, I decided to make a piano key border with the remaining of my 5 fabrics and the other ones in the bundle. The only one I did not use is the one with the actual nympheas. 

For the background, I wanted to use a beige from the same collection, but the shop did not have it anymore. I asked their opinion and they found a nice beige batik with a small flower print that looks a bit like algae.

Here are some work-in progress pictures.
I started with the head

Here is the flimsy prior to adding the border

 I am still working on the quilting for that one. Hope I can show you progress soon!


Quand ma soeur a annoncé qu'elle attendait son deuxième  enfant, j'ai décidé qu'il était temps que je me lance dans le patchwork. J'en avais envie depuis un certain temps, mais ce bébé a été le déclencheur.

Donc, j'ai commencé par quelques petits projets pour me roder (des coussins) et puis j'ai fait une couverture pour bébé. Et puis je me suis souvenue de ce que ressentaient mes enfants à l'arrivée d'un nouveau bébé. Toute l'attention et les cadeaux allaient au nouveau bébé et c'était une péroide difficile pour "les grands". Mon neveu à 5 ans. Il ne va pas à l'école et a l'entière attention de ses parents et ses grand parents la plupart du temps... Quel choc pour lui, l'arrivée d'un bébé!

Donc j'ai décidé de faire un patchwork pour lui aussi. Mais il m'a fallu prendre des décisions : Faire une couverture pour un bébé est facile : il faut seulement faire plaisir aux parents. Mais comment faire un patchwork qui plaise à un enfant de 5 ans? Je vis loin de ma famille et ne les vois pas très souvent. Ma soeur m'a dit qu'il était fan de basket et qu'il aimait les dragons.

En ce qui concerne le basket, je lui ai offert pour Noël un réplique du maillot de son joueur préféré (une ruse pour lui faire porter des manches longues).  Mon inspiration se terminait là.

Et je ne me sentais pas de taille pour un dragon.

Mais ma maman l'emmène une fois par mois à l'aquarium et dit qu'il peut rester une heure devant la pieuvre. Il m'a même donné un dessin de pieuvre pour noël.

Donc j'ai décidé de faire une pieuvre. J'ai fait un dessin

Et j'ai trouvé des tissus inspirés des nympheas de Monet (ici).
J'aimais les bleus et verts et l'impression me faisait penser à des tentacules de pieuvre. J'ai acheté un lot de 10 coupons en pensant utiliser les 5 de gauche pour la pieuvre et garder le reste pour un autre projet.

Après avoir coupé mes triangles, j'ai réalisé que j'avais fait une erreur de calcul. Mon projet serait bien plus petit qu'escompté. Finalement, j'ai décidé de faire une bordure "en touches de piano" avec le reste de mes tissus et les autres du lot. Le seul que je n'ai pas utilisé est celui avec les nymphéas.

Pour le fonds, je voulais un beige de le même collection, mais la boutique n'en avait plus. Sur leurs conseils, j'ai pris un batik beige avec des petites fleurs qui me font penser à des algues

Voici quelques photos pendant le piéçage.
j'ai commencé par la tête

Je travaille encore au matelassage, j'espère pouvoir montrer mes progrès bientôt!


PS : link with colour inspiration
Needle and Thread Thursday
whoop whoop Friday


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It means a lot to me to be able to share this project with real quilters

  2. Wondeful, thoughtful gift! He will feel how special he is, using this quilt

    1. Thank you Annette!
      I hope he will like it as much as I like every step of the process.

  3. How fun! I love your design.

  4. This is wonderful !! Thank you for sharing. And by the way, if you can figure out how to make an octopus out of HSTs, you ARE a "real" quilter in my book.

    1. Thank you Dorothy!
      I started quilting last january and I still feel very much a beginner.
      I remembered designing cross stich on paper long ago and that is how I started the octopus.

  5. Very cute! He should love it. I also love your creative design.

  6. Thank you Elisabeth!
    This quilt was totally driven by the recipient.
    I don't think I will ever make an octopus again for anybody else.

  7. Great post and a great quilt! He will love it!

    1. Thank you Karen!

      I have enjoyed making this quilt specifically for him and I think it will change my way of starting a new project going forward. Thinking first about the recipient and not about the numerous of designs I would like to try out.

  8. What a cute design and so very thoughtful to make a gift for the older brother. I love every bit of this project. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you Dione!
      And thanks again for the feature!

  9. Ah the octopus quilt! I had to search for it when I read your OMG post

  10. Ta pieuvre est chouette et la bordure s'agence parfaitement avec le centre. Bravo!

  11. Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my blog. That made me go looking for your blog. And boy, was I thrilled to find you. Octopus makes me smile with delight. So unique and so much fun. It is a terrific pattern. It surely appeals to the kid in me.


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