Stars Over Stars - a Quilts of Valor Top Finish

Finally! This one wasn't in progress for very long - just since February - but most of the blocks have been finished since April. And then came the t-shirt quilts and retirement gifts and graduation present orders, and this just kept getting pushed down on the to-do list.

Quilts of Valor Stars

But! They finally announced the pre-orders and tour schedule for the Quilts of Valor book, so I decided to finally get this one finished and sent back to my coordinator in Washington. (Our chapter likes to have one person piece, another quilt, and another bind, so it's truly a group quilt.)

Quilts of Valor Stars

It's made with fifty-six 8" sawtooth stars from my own tutorial, and six 16" stars. 

Quilts of Valor Stars

It's laid out fairly haphazardly - I don't have a design wall, so the cats helped rearrange the blocks on the floor several times. But it ended up with no repeat fabrics too near each other, so I'm happy.

Quilts of Valor Stars


And the book!


Jennie's pattern is one of the sixteen patterns in the book, so my quilt will be on display at all the AQS shows for the next year! It stays put in Paducah at the Quilt Museum for a bit, then will be awarded to a veterans in late spring 2019. I'm hoping to go to the award ceremony!

You can pre-order here, and if you put Group #547 and Greater Spokane QOV, my chapter gets a portion of the proceeds. (Not an affiliate link. Put your own local chapter number and name if you want!)

See also: Finish It Up FridayWhoop WhoopTGIFFNeedle & Thread ThursdayFinished or Not FridayShow Off SaturdayOne Monthly GoalFinish Along {list}
