Sunday, June 10, 2018

It's a Mystery⁉️

Quilt Cove, where I work a couple days a week, does two free mystery quilts per year. Here are 3 quilts I quilted from a mystery we gave out a couple years ago: 

Wendy made her version out of four batik fabrics:

I quilted it with "Lovegrass", an elegant edge-to-edge design:

She pieced a dark purple batik for the back. The Ash Blond colored thread dances across the dark backing:

I quilted this version for my quiltin' cousin, Sue. She made hers scrappy. Here it is hanging at our guild's quilt show earlier this year:

I quilted it with "Soap Bubbles":

Here's the fun backing Sue pieced together:

I love doing mystery quilts and making them scrappy. It's a great way to use up stash. Here's my version, made from Japanese fabrics. I started with my border fabric and chose colors and fabrics from there. 

I quilted it with "Geisha", a Japanese fan design, and finished it with mock piped binding:

Have you ever made a scrappy mystery quilt?
Grace & peace!!! ~Nancy
Linking up with Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework, Cooking Up QuiltsEm's Scrapbag, Tish's Adventures in WonderlandLet's Bee Social, Needle & Thread Thursday, Confessions of a Fabric AddictFriday Foto Finish, Busy Hands Quilts.


  1. I'm so glad to see your "mock piped" binding because it reminds me I have intended to do that for some time. I have put a flange before the border, but not at the binding. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. It is so much fin to see the different versions. That purple boordr of yours is quite something!

  3. It is always fun to see the same quilt made up in different colorways. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  4. What lovely quilts and unique takes on the same pattern. Your quilting is beautiful.
    Quilter Bonnie

  5. Nancy, your quilt is beautiful! I love the fabrics and binding.

  6. I have done a mystery, but not with scraps. I find that I like to be more in control of my fabric placement than a mystery allows. But I still seem to make a couple here and there. Fun to see all 3 together, so different yet with the same pattern. The all look greaat, I love the lattice look.

  7. I've not done a mystery with scraps. So fun to see the different quilts from the same pattern. I love yours!

  8. Lovegrass is beautiful and so are the Soap Bubbles. Mystery Quilts with scraps - that would make Bonnie Hunter very happy :-) I am too much of a control freak to sign up for a mystery quilt. Love each one of these :-)

  9. I've made several scrappy Bonnie Hunter mysteries and it seems like edge to edge is the best way to quilt them. I love the Geisha fans!

  10. These are lovely, Nancy! I love seeing the same quilt pattern made up in different fabrics. Great job on the quilting.

  11. I have done one mystery quilt that I actually finished the flimsy and am in the middle of one right now. I started one of Bonnie Hunter's but it's soooo many little pieces, I don't know if I'll ever get around to finishing that one. I LOVE your scrappy one with Japanese fabrics! WOW!

  12. I have only done two mysteries and neither was scrappy. I love scrappy though and really like the way yours turned out. Love the fabrics in it.

  13. These quilts are all so pretty! I love the colors on your Asian-inspired one. I'm currently doing the Square Dance mystery quilt in scrappy fabrics. It's my first mystery QAL :)
    louise dot hornor at gmail

  14. Those are all wonderful, but I love your version best!! The colors speak to me. That piped binding just puts it over the edge!

  15. All three quilts are lovely but I really like yours made with the Japanese fabrics. It's such an interesting colour combo. None of the quilts look scrappy from a distance. I guess the scraps are well co ordinated.

  16. Just so ya know, I just saw the Quit Cove featured on the Quilt Minnesota Shop Hop Facebook page. I said to myself...that where Nancy works! 😀

  17. WOW! I love the side by side comparisons of all 3 quilts! They look fantastic and the quilting is superb :D

  18. Really great colors - purple and orange. You have a great 'eye.'


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