A couple of weeks ago, we took RC for her first overnight trip to the Route 66 Casino RV Park. About 30 miles southeast of us, the Route 66 Casino RV Park was the perfect place to make sure everything in RC was in good working order. It was far enough away that Daddy could get a feel of how it would be towing JeeJee the Jeep and close enough that, if anything happened, we could easily get home!
All the blinds worked well. I, Sunny, spent a lot of time looking out the window.
We had the park almost all to ourselves because it was windy and chilly outside.
....and there were a couple of passing storms.
That didn't bother us though, and we got out for lots of walkies!
We saw a pretty sunset....
Daddy took a walk to the casino, and took this cool nighttime picture.
After Daddy got back, we all got a good night's sleep!
We got up early the next morning, and helped
watched Daddy and Mama check things out and pack up to go home!
"You doing ok out there, Daddy?"
Here we are with RC...Isn't she a beauty???
We are happy to report that only a few very minor things are in need of repair, and nothing big enough to stop us from our next trip to Tucumcari, NM!!
More on Tucumcari next week!
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!