Yet another sweet little finish - the second piece from my longarm lesson leftovers!
This was the second pantograph that I practiced, after the stars. I didn't even know they made pantographs like these - and I can't imagine actually using one. But I can see why we practiced it - it took a steady hand and lots of concentration to make sure we were going in the right direction.
I wasn't sure what to do with this one, since neither of my nieces dance any more. It's rather large to make into a slipper bag, and really a bit too wobbly to sell.
Then my friend from a previous assignment mentioned that her husband is leaving for a year deployment...right before their daughters' dance recital. So I whipped some binding on it (Bonnie and Camille Scrumptious) and sent it on its way to cheer up a trio of little dancers.
And that's all I can salvage from the longarm practice piece, but I think I did well! On to bigger finishes next week - it's graduation and retirement season, so I have a slew of secret sewing to finally start sharing.
See also: Finish It Up Friday, Whoop Whoop, TGIFF, Needle & Thread Thursday, Finished or Not Friday, Show Off Saturday, One Monthly Goal, Finish Along {list}