Bleu de toi

Texte en Français en bas de la page

The first project I can share with you!
It is a baby quilt for my cousin's son, born last month.

The inspiration comes from this post from studio Dragonfly. I sewed mainly HST until now so it seemed an achievable goal.

I choose  a selection of blue fabrics as the main colour because one of my friends told me I always choose pink or girly fabrics. I needed something that would state "boy" immediately.
Then I selected the background fabric. I wanted a basis of white, but I was afraid the contrast would be too much. I found that small butterfly fabric and hoped it would not be too girly...

The name "bleu de toi" is a french expression playing on the colour blue.
It means crazily in love for you, which reflects the feeling of a mum for her baby boy.

Here is the flimsy - not a very good picture I am afraid.

 And it is only now when I write this post and the quilting has started that I realise I made a mistake in the placement of the HSTs to the right of the heart!
Not sure I will be able to correct it...

I am now a bit demoralized by the finding...

Until next time.


Voici un baby quilt que je destine au fils de ma cousine, né le mois dernier.
L'inspiration me vient de Studio Dragonfly.
J'ai choisi une série de tissus à dominance bleue pour être sûre que ce la fasse bien "garçon". Une amie me reproche de toujours choisir des tissus trop roses et trop "fille".
Je n'ai quand même pas pu résister pour la couleur du fond et j'ai choisi ce motif à mini papillons.
J'espère que l'ensemble reste assez masculin.

Le nom "bleu de toi" reflète les sentiments d'une mère pour son bébé.

Ce n'est qu'en écrivant ce blog - et alors que j'ai déjà commencé le matelassage que je réalise que j'ai fait une erreur dans le placement des HST, à droite du coeur. Je pense que le matelassage est trop avancé pour pouvoir le corriger! 

Je suis un peu démoralisée par cette découverte...

à la prochaine fois.


PS linking to colour inspiration@clever chameleon
My quilt infatuation
Can I get a whoop whoop?
Finished or not Friday


  1. The quilt is wonderful. I love the way you positioned the heart. I think the HSTs to the right of the heart look like a design element rather than a misplacement, but I understand your frustration.

  2. This is a really lovely quilt top. I really feel for you..... I know how it feels to discover such a mistake when you are looking at it through fresh eyes. But it actually makes an interesting place in the design.... perhaps it does not need to be seen as a mistake after all. Thanks for sharing at Colour Inspiration Tuesday.

  3. My eye still can't see the placement problem? It always bothers the creator. I have found that taking a picture helps me see a layout much better.

  4. Que c'est joli! Tu pourrais ne pas considérer le placement des triangle une erreur, mais un heureux accident. Ca donne encore plus d'interêt à un magnifique projet.


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