Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday Favorites #165

Hi Foxy Friends! Happy Friday! I actually worked 5 days this week, it's a miracle, or not, I would have rather worked 4, lol. Onto this weeks Favorites:

Monday: 3 Southern California Getaways
Wednesday: 10 Summer Must Haves + Dressing Up and Romper
Thursday: My Ulta and Shein + Amazon Haul

Any videos you guys want to see me make?


Saturday was jammed packed with events. It started with Mini Fox and soccer in the misty weather. She did great and scored two goals! She's looking forward to next seasons, she really wants to play in the Fall, but this Mama isn't sure if she can handle two soccer practices for Baby Fox and 1 for Mini Fox...yikes!

We hustled home and got ready for the Mother's Day Tea at my mom's church. My mom did a great job organizing, and I helped cleaned up, and Mini Fox and I ended up washing 80+ glasses by ourselves...

Meanwhile these two did this.

Then I ran home and dropped Mini Fox at home and changed to go to a PTA MNO. Which was super fun!  I forgot to take pictures, but did take this one. This was close to the end and many people had already left, oops!

Meanwhile Mr. and another dad, whose wife was with me, took all 5 kids out for ice cream (yep Baby Fox got two ice creams in one day) right at bedtime. We got the text at's for the win.

Sunday, Mr. took Baby Fox to the Angels game for Little League day. Was a long day for them, but they got to parade onto the field and they got on the jumbotron 4 times! They were happy kids.

My dad got to join them for the fun.

And this kid got his first slurpee.

Meanwhile, I went to church and got this girl to smile (not my kid) in a selfie...I'm thinking she likes me, every time I take a picture she smiles.

We surprised (this is the same lady I was with last night and all 5 of these kids got ice cream), we surprised the littles by taking them to a play place for a bit.

Then out to lunch. Where she smiled again :)

 Then I offered to take the middle kid so my friend could take her youngest home for a nap. They had a blast, I had a quick errand to run, the kids were so cute together.

 They played a lot, and then sat down to watch some Frozen.

The men got home shortly after and they ended up staying for dinner. 12  hours with friends, yes please! Love unexpected days like these.

Some things that I am loving or want lately. There's always a list right?

I was always a Knudson's sour cream girl, wouldn't stray, had to buy brand. Until one day I was at Sprouts and they only brand they sell is Daisy, then I saw this packaging...and had to have it. It's perfect and you never need to get a spoon dirty to dish out the sour cream.

These sandals, I want a pair for summer. I think they look super comfy, and I think I can get a lot of use out of them...speaking of absolutely nothing. We were talking at work about how many shoes we owned. I knew I owned a lot...but had no idea. I counted...I have 79...let that sink in. Also that counts slippers, flip flops, bowling shoes, climbing shoes...all of them. So how many do you have?

You all know I got a fitbit recently. I talked about finding some fancy arm bangles this week already, but I want something that is the rubber kind that is a different color than black. I get 12 colors for $16.99, that seems pretty reasonable doesn't it?

I want to get these, but I already bought Mini Fox a dress to wear for 4th of July...darn. Maybe next year? But at this price point, can't really go wrong?

One last thing. I recently went to a MNO for our PTA, I know strange, but hey, they raised money. Anyway, they had a couple of vendors there, and I was introduced to Street Color. It's for your nails, and instead of it being a sticker, it's actually nail polish. But you place it like a sticker, you smooth it down and then apply clear mail polish over it. How cool is that? Plus 20% goes back to the school, so I was really supporting the school. I bought 6 packages...oops! I'll keep you posted how it goes, since when I was there, someone else put the nail polish stickers on me. But if you want to try it out, let me know and I'll send you the link for the party.

Oh my gosh, so funny and super entertaining. This guy tweeted about his entire field trip with 60, 10 years olds...laughing so hard, you have to read them all!

 Remember last week when I told you we bought this? Well going to put it to good use so I can make this, Yum.

Linking up here