Monday, April 23, 2018

It´s... Turtle!

Found on a playground - sadly, as so often... no hint on the artist(s).

I´m not much of a comic fan.
I grew up with Tom and Jerry & friends.
And the anime series of Captain Future, but reckon I was actually too young to really understand.

So... bare with me... I have no idea what this mural really is about.
If you know: Let me know if you like.

Taking part again in Sami´s COLOURFULWORLD Monday Murals :-)


Sami said...

Can't really explain it either, but I like the ninja turtle, not too fond of bats, they scare me. The ninja reminded me of the Ninja turtle series I used to watch with the kids when they were young.
Thanks for contributing Iris.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, I think it refers to that series. Awww, I like bats, they´re cute. I don´t want them in my hair, though!

Tom said...

...oh how my grandson would like these! These are just right for a playground!

Jeanie said...

They did a nice job with the art!

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you two!

RedPat said...

I'm not into the comics either but I do like the turtle!

Lowcarb team member said...

My grandson loves watching the Ninja turtles on television, he would love these ... they are colourful.

All the best Jan

peppylady (Dora) said...

Maybe the trutle knows a little secert and is bitting his tongue.
Coffee is on

dee said...

I didn't catch the ninja turtle in the first pics. I had to get to your close up. :D
That's a lot of work. Artists should at least leave their initials on works like these, right?

Iris Flavia said...

Agreed, Dee, they should indeed leave their id and oh too often here they do not!
Are they not proud on their work, I wonder..

PerthDailyPhoto said...

'Turtle Power'!!! That's all I remember from that series 😀😀 You really think bars are cute Iris 😨

Iris Flavia said...

Not even "Turtle Power" has a meaning for me, Grace ;-)
Have never seen it!