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The nurses stare as he exits the elevator on the Pediatric Unit. “Enter the handsome doctor.” Those are Doctor Caleb Winstone’s words as he steps off the elevator. Though he’s embarrassed, this Leo doctor rolls with the punches.
He’s returned home to join an older doctor in the practice. Before long he learns the new nurse manager of the unit is a woman he knows. Of all the women in the world, she is the last one he wants to see. How can he manage to work daily with her? Before the day ends, he discovers his mother has decided who he should marry and the woman is quite willing. Not for him.
Suzanna Rollins is an Aquarian and now the guardian of her half-brother who was badly injured in a car accident. She takes the position as nurse manager of the Pediatric unit for several reasons. One is the move from the city re-unites her with college friends, the Grantley Gang. The other is for the excellent Rehab Center. On the day of her arrival, she encounters Caleb. What is he doing here and why? Can she work with the man she fell in and out of love with the night he offered her less than marriage?
Caleb’s interest in helping her half-brother gives them more together time than they imagined.
As Caleb Winstone rode the
elevator to the fifth floor of Eastlake Community, the familiar aromas shouting
hospital engulfed him. Though slightly different from the scents of his last placement,
they smelled of coming home. Exhaustion threatened to swamp him but he had
places to visit and things to accomplish before he sought sleep.
The indicator flashed five. The
doors parted and he stepped out to face the nurses’ station. A half dozen women
stared and collectively sighed.
“Enter the handsome doctor.”
Gasps and giggles greeted him.
Caleb felt his face heat. Had he
really said that? He considered a strategic retreat but the elevator doors had
closed. Though he’d been called handsome often enough, he had no reason for the
blatant announcement.
A burst of male laughter
interrupted his swirling thoughts. “Hello, Caleb. You certainly know how to
make an entrance.” A tall blond man rounded the end of the desk and offered his
“Alex Carter, good to see you
Alex clasped his hand. “Are you
in town for good?”
“Looks that way. I’ve joined Joe
Grogan’s practice.” Caleb grinned. “Blame my announcement on jet lag. Arrived
this morning from London
where I spent three months studying respiratory diseases in children.”
“Have you been home?”
Caleb shook his head. “Came
straight here. Decided to complete the paperwork and get my parking pass and
then go to the office before I go home. I’m meeting Joe at one thirty at the
office. Actually, I’m in no hurry to reach the stone mansion.”
Alex nodded. “Are they still
upset over your career choice?’
“Naturally. They equate my
straying from the financial sphere as a betrayal like they did when I chose
swimming over football in high school.”
“Shame. Let me introduce you to today’s
crew.” Alex walked to the desk.
The nurses smiled. Were they
hiding laughter? He felt sure his appearance and words would make the rounds.
Alex grinned. “Ladies, this is
Caleb Winstone, the newest addition to our staff. He’s joining Dr. Joe and vying
for the handsome doctor award.”
My Places:
interesting introduction and now we have to get the book to see who wins the award.
The hero definitely makes me smile.
His friend isn't exactly helping him live down his slip of the tongue.
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