Friday, 30 March 2018

Scrap Attack April Challenge

Oh! Bother! I am really not good at this game. My March Scrap Attack Challenge is incomplete. Surprised? Not at all. I seem to be stuck in another time zone, like a month behind time zone. Ha!

Let's look at this mess partial success closer.

It all started with this little piece of paper. It calls for a string project. Do I have enough strings to make a project?

Check. The supply is plentiful. 

What got done with the strings? A placemat.

Well, I did say it is a partial success. (It looks as if we are at the beginning of March instead of at the end of it. 😒)
Since I (usually) participate in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge with Angela  (which I seem to be also neglecting lately)) I used some purple, color of February, and some light green, color for this month and ... and ... well ... yep, that's all.

So what happened?

Well, this happened. The February Scrap Attack Challenge is done.

This is my lab coat that I use when I paint. It is NOT coming apart. Ever. But all the other shirts did.
The drawer once looked like this.

I now have all these lovely plaids to play with whenever I want. I am so happy.

There is a lot of shirts in this pile. Come to think of it, I should have count them. Rats!

I was surprised to find some weren't shirts but yardage. Yay! Bonus!

Two of them weren't plaid at all, hahaha. The one on the left was almost all done since it was used for my big hexagon quilt. You can see it here in the before last picture.

Ta-dah! This is the same drawer now full with usable plaid shirts. There's even some room left ... maybe enough for the shirts from the second drawer to fit in? We'll see when I get there.
Thank you Sarah for hosting the Scrap Attack Challenge. I might not be very good at it, but I am not giving up and will get better (I hope) before the end of the year. 😊

So what else happened in March?

I did do a little bit of sewing.
My design wall has Cécile's little baskets challenge. Very slowly, the sashing is added. The deadline is for April 15th. Well, since you know me, you know this won't happen. It will be done on May 15th. Ha!

Two little 3.5 inches block from the 365 Challenge Sampler were assembled.  On top is "Tangled Briars" a.k.a. "Barrister's Block" (with a beard). It has 44 pieces. Below is "Propeller" with 17 pieces. (I have seen this block somewhere before and I really liked it. Hmmm, I think I will do a little research in my Pinterest account.)

I have signed up for a "sewing-a-thon" or something like that. This lady has rented a hall, is setting it up for quilters and called anyone who is interested to line up. I did. It will happen on the first Wednesday of the month for the next three months. (We'll try it for 3 months and take it from there.) The doors open at 8 am until 8 pm. Since I still have a full-time job, I will be there around 1 pm until ... the bobbins run out. I am so excited about this as it is only 15 minutes drive from my place. Someone has answered my prayers.  😁

I will take my little basket blocks and try to get it all assembled. I need to take something that doesn't require much attention to detail as I know I'll be curious to see what the others are sewing and chat with them and ... hopefully, at one point I'll sit down and stitch for a bit. 😉

The Scrap Attack Challenge for April is ...

Cut up the fabric in the Big Pieces drawers. Well, that's not a portable project I could bring to the sewing-a-thon. Wish me luck.

That's all for now. I have a very long weekend off, so some sewing just might happen. Hope you have some fun with fabric too.



Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Wow!!! I think I would call getting those plaids ready success!!

Fiona said...

A great idea to sort scraps so they are easily workable.... You will get lots done at your stitching marathon...

Ruth said...

Well, the way I look at it, anything that gets done for the scrap attack, be it large or small, is a bonus that might not have gotten done at all! Your sew-a-thon sounds like a fun idea. I visited some ladies in a nearby town yesterday that do that every Friday. The mornings they are available to help anyone with quilting issues and from 12:30 on they work on their own projects. It seems like a great idea!

The Joyful Quilter said...

As long as you were working on attacking ANY scraps, you are doing well!!

Barb said...

good luck with your challenge! strings quilts are fun.

Sandy Panagos said...

A "sew-a-thon" sounds good to me. It's fun to spend a day sewing with friends. Good luck with those goals. I'm a l;little behind with mine, too, so I won't judge!

Unknown said...

Good Idea to spend on..