Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Surviving so far!

It's been just over 3 weeks since my brother and his dog moved in with me..... 168 days, it seems like! There has only been one instance of blood drawn between the dogs. Lula was excited to have a new friend... Stewie was excited to ignore all things smaller than him.

Things are moving along with the renovation... I think. Cabinets have been ordered, a new contractor acquired, counter tops chosen but can't be measured until the cabinets are installed. Flooring and carpet have been ordered. It's really all a waiting game at this point. Next, I have to shop for lighting, sink, faucet, tile for the back splash....

I had another BOM class for the Ohio stars Deb Tucker rulers BOM. This is March's block.

And this is all three blocks so far.

My friends Barb and KT came over to sew for National Quilting Day and I assembled this top. I have decided to just had 4 borders and not do a pieced border, but I haven't started those yet. This is my #1 BOM for the year.

I also got awesome news in February that my AC unit was no longer functioning so on my birthday last week, I got a whole new system. Happy birthday to me!

Last year, I found the S'mores snack balls at Aldi's and ran into the store a couple of weeks ago to see if they were back. They were! And I found this cheddar and caramel popcorn mix. I grabbed all of the S'mores balls and a couple of the popcorns. They will be much enjoyed at retreat next month!

I am working on getting myself set back up with my machine and space. It's been tough, but I am hopeful that I will make some time to sew this weekend! No more blog breaks!

I am linking up with Lynette for BOM's Away.


1. Lynette said...

Oh my gosh, what a sweet snuggle picture! I like going to my hair dresser for the sweet little-doggie nap snuggles I get from their tiny pomeranian (he snuggles and sleeps on my lap every single time). I'm not a dog person for myself (admittedly, way too lazy to own one), so I really enjoy other peoples' dogs. :) Your blocks are gorgeous, but that TOP!!!! That is amazing - so pretty and super interesting design!

2. Jennifer said...

Wow, time is going fast with your brother there. Hope the dogs have all settled in and the kitchen is coming along slowly but surely. Great too that you finished - it isn’t road to Llano, is it? I can’t remember what that one looks like, but seems it was the same colors....hope you find some sewing time and mojo this weekend!