Tumalo Trails and Others

I spend about an hour or so most evenings quilting – a habit of mine, after supper dishes are cleared up and the kitchen cleaned for the final time in the day I come back in the sewing room, write up a blog post and then sit at the frame with some Netflix or Amazon Prime on and quilt for a bit.  This way progress is made on a steady basis, sometimes for 45 minutes sometimes for two hours.  I rarely use the machine in the evening, I guess I like the quite of hand work in the evening.  I rolled Tumalo Trails down and you can now see the halfway point on this quilt so I guess I am a quarter of the way done – it has only taken a couple days past a month to do this and 45 hours of quilting so this one is going to take awhile!  I doubt I will be done with it before we start to get back to any summer camping so it might be on the frame until the end of summer which means I will continue to do a lot of piecing by hand and applique too – I do not want to finish many quilt tops this year as I have 4 waiting in line to be quilted.


Yesterday during the day I finished my last border for this round of Hertfordshire and got it attached by machine – I have one border left to do on it before the next “lots of pieces border” the next on is just a strip all the way around that helps even it up a bit and get it to the correct size.  I think it should then measure 27.5 inches square and it already has over 150 pieces in it maybe closer to 200 –


I think two more birds on Bird Brain  were quilted on Wednesday night but I really lost track.  When I finish with Tumalo Trails sometimes I move to the hoop in the living room if I have had a show record off of the networks that I want to watch for 45 minutes or so.  The birds on the left outside edge need to be quilted and the one in the hoop and I think this one will be about a quarter of the way finished.


Round We Go – this has been an easy one to sew compared to a few others – almost done with it .  Linking this Friday to Busy Hands QuiltsConfessions of a Fabric AddictTGIFF at Cheeky Cognoscenti Crazy Mom Quilts


Just a couple more days left for the deals on the Craftsy Unlimited offer ends on the 31st at midnight.

Get the Craftsy  Ultimate makers package 1 year of Craftsy Unlimited for $120.00 plus a $25 coupon for supplies and free perks – this offer good through March 31

or Craftsy Ultimate quilters package for $120.00 for a year plus a free quilt kit and numerous perks throughout the year – this offer good through March 31.

24 comments… add one
  • Gretchen Mar 30, 2018 @ 5:19

    Round We Go will be the perfect project to take along on your camping trips.

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 7:38

      yes it is and I have 2 more EPP projects waiting in line too

  • Celia Mar 30, 2018 @ 7:16

    Your Hertfordshire quilt is progressing well, looks great and I’m enjoying seeing your other projects.
    Had to smile at yesterday’s post about UFOs, I think mine is my Dear Jane, started in 2006 and abandoned when I started working on Love Entwined. The top of DJ is finished and it’s about 2/3rds hand quilted, so I really must get back to it. Perhaps I should follow your example of a little each day, especially as I have 2 or 3 others in the quilting queue. Ironically Love Entwined is finished!

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 7:39

      so glad to hear yours is finished! congrats now you can finish DJ for sure

  • Doreen Mar 30, 2018 @ 7:22

    I am exhausted just reading of your quilting projects!!! Generally, I’m a “one project at a time” gal and would have my head spinning with all of your lovelies!! “Cutting back” seems to be a common thread/theme I’m hearing these days…….simplify. Sounds good to me!! LOL! Execution of the plan is another matter, however………..hugs……………

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 7:40

      years and years ago I did one at a time and then I quit work and went crazy

  • Kathi Mar 30, 2018 @ 8:06

    I am loving your Hertfordshire progress… i know you may now take a break but I am also excited to SEE the PLAN for the next round or two 😀 I am enjoying this piece a lot !! lol
    Tumalo Trail is coming along nicely… I too like to have quiet time when I hand quilt… I listen to tunes or watch Youtube vids… or now I watch something on Craftsy unlimited… I sent a request to them this AM for wine making classes !!! lol We shall see 😀
    Your round we go is looking awesome too btw! I love all the projects you have going … have a nice Friday and a happy weekend friend!

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 8:14

      yes taking a break before I tackle the 5th round of this quilt – this quilt is kind of tense! I hope Craftsy will think about a wine making class – there are probably others that would like that too – I think as quilters we would mainly only purchase quilting classes so it is so nice with Ultimate Craftsy that we now watch all kinds of classes (without paying extra!) have a nice Easter in your new home!

  • Rebecca Grace Mar 30, 2018 @ 8:30

    I didn’t know you used a lap hoop as well as your quilting frame! I love seeing your projects come together over time. You inspire me, not just to want to make beautiful things like you do, but also to relax and enjoy the process! Thanks for that, and thanks for linking up with TGIFF today!

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 8:42

      I usually only use the hoop for baby quilts although I have had this hoop for many years and used to use it for larger quilts as well. I find it hot to work with though in the warmer months and hope to get this bird quilt done before that. I didn’t want to wait for the big frame to be empty before I got to the birds though as I told my daughter she would get it soon – just not as soon as she hoped to get it LOL – thanks for the kind words!

  • Dottie bishaw Mar 30, 2018 @ 9:44

    Great progress again on your projects. Your bird quilt is so lovely, getting more so every time you show it. Melanie is such a lucky daughter to get it, she’s going to love it I’m sure. I’m putting the border around the diamonds now on my Herfordshire quilt and hope to finish it by the time my daughter and grandson get here next week. I’m sewing it by hand instead of machine so it’s slow going. This quilt does seem to hold a fascination for me. I hope it does until I finish it.

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 9:59

      I am sewing the strips around this border today – I think it will then supposed to be 33 1/2 inches or there about, I’m doing yellow colors on this round all different but same color family

  • Diann Bottrell Mar 30, 2018 @ 9:55

    I like the squares in the corners of Hertfordshire! It’s really looking good! I can’t imagine how many pieces the whole quilt will have… Pretty flower fabric in your new Round We Go block, too!

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 9:58

      I’m not sure if it even says in the pattern how many pieces there are in this quilt – but you know I bet someone knows! I’m not sure if I will try to count them up

  • Preeti Mar 30, 2018 @ 10:32

    Your studio is a buzz of activity and all of it is so pretty and colorful. I am partial to the birds 🙂 for obvious reasons. Hope you have a great weekend and a Happy Easter!

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 19:56

      yes I’m always too busy – I love the birds too

  • Terri Mar 30, 2018 @ 18:54

    You have lots of quilty projects going on. I like all of them, but I think the Hertfordshire is my favorite!

    • Karen Mar 30, 2018 @ 19:05

      thanks Terri this quilt will be slow going!

  • Nancy Mar 30, 2018 @ 21:07

    Great job hand quilting your scrap quilt! That is becoming a lost art. You have a number of beautiful projects going.

    • Karen Mar 31, 2018 @ 7:51

      thanks – there are a lot of us hand quilters out here in blogland I have found, even though not everyone hand quilts anymore there are actually still a lot of us

  • Lynette Apr 2, 2018 @ 19:47

    Hand work in the evenings is the best, isn’t it? I really don’t like to do anything on the machine after dinner. Like you, that’s my time for slow stitching and shows playing.

    • Karen Apr 2, 2018 @ 20:03

      me too for some reason I can’t stand the sound of the sewing machine at night and just like to hand stitch.

  • Caron Mosey Apr 13, 2018 @ 5:36

    I love hand quilting in the evening. I’ve been using a hoop for a long time, but I think it’s now time to get my big quilt frame out. Thanks for the encouragement!

    • Karen Apr 13, 2018 @ 7:22

      nice to hear from you Caron – been a long time! I still enjoy using my big frame and do so almost every night.

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