Tova’s Dragon Prologue by @LyndiLamont #MFRWHooks

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I’m returning to Marketing for Romance Writer’s weekly Book Hooks meme after quite a long absence with an excerpt from my latest release, Tova’s Dragon, steamy paranormal romance, written under my Lyndi Lamont pseudonym. Book Hooks provides ” a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book.”
Tova's Dragon cover


Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Velosia, lived a young earth mage. Tova, for that was her name, dwelt in harmony with the plants of the fields and the animals of the earth. She sensed vibrations in the earth and heard whispers on the wind, basked in the sun and gloried in the rain.

But whenever storm clouds gathered and thunder rumbled in the distance, she trembled in dread. And when light flashed in the sky, she hid, for the lightning followed her every movement. The air crackled around and through her, and in her heart, she feared one day it would strike her dead, as it had her father.

In this time also appeared the Outlaw Kane, last of the dragonlords of Velosia, a man-beast who changed shape at will. Back from exile, he bided his time in his aerie high in the mountains, to wait for the chance to clear his name. Until the day Tova came seeking his help.

And thus begins the tale of the Lightning Maiden and the Outlawed Dragon.

Tova’s Dragon
by Lyndi Lamont
Kingdoms & Legends Part 2
(Sequel to Ilona’s Wolf)

Currently available at Amazon:


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Linda / Lyndi

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