Thursday, January 11, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Carmine lays on my laptop, which is playing Meerkat Manor.
Hi everyone, it's mes, Carmine!

Today is Thursday.  Do yous know what that means?  It's the day wes share what wes is thankful for by joining Brian's Thankful Thursday blog hop!

Today mes is thankful for my warm "bed."  See it there, to the left?  

The Mom has been dragging hers laptop over to the bed to do hers writing lately so hers can be right by Litas.  Wes is very thankful that the Mom gotted hers writing gig back.  It definitely helps.

Sometimes, mes tries to lay on the keyboard when hers is writing an article.  Hers moves mes off and says, "No pumpkin, I have to finish this article."  That's not very nice, is it?  Hers does let mes lay on the warm "bed" sometimes, though.  In the photo, mes ams blocking Lita's view of Meerkat Manor.  The Mom set it up on the laptop for Litas to watch 'cause it be Lita's favoritest show.

What is yous thankful for today?

Don't forget - yous can help Lita by donating to hers end of life fund - all funds raised will be used to make hers comfy and for end of life expenses.  Wes appreciate all the love, purrs, prayers, hugs, and donations everyone has been sending.  It all means more than wes can begin to express.  Thank you!

You can make a donation HERE.


  1. We're happy the Mom got her writing gig back too and you sure look comfy Carmine. Hugs to sweet Lita from all of us and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Carmine, you’re such a cutie! We’re so sorry about Lita. It sounds like she gets a lot of love and care.

  3. Don't warm laptops make the best sort of beds, Carmine? Thimble sure thinks so, too! We continue to send lots and lots of purrs and prayers to Lita, and to all of you!

  4. We are praying for Lita, Carmine...and for you to have that laptop for your beddy!

  5. Binga used to lie on the laptop. She's changed her mind about it, though! Not sure how that happened - my human just got lucky, MOL!

  6. Warm laptops are made for heating our butts, it has a purrfect temperature. Purrs

  7. That is sweet of your mom to set up Lita's favorite show. I am praying for her. You are a handsome boy. XO

  8. Purrayers for you and Lita and your Mom, sweet Carmine. Take care !

  9. I like laying on the laptop too, Carmine. It’s nice and warm. We’re purring for Lita. ~Ernie

  10. Mee LUVSS Meerkat Manor all so Carmine an Milita!!! An mee triess to sit on lappytop all so butt LadyMum sayss mee fur clogss thee werkss uppy!! Mew mew mew....
    Mee hopess thee card an $ arrived safelee!
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  11. we're happy for your mom's writing gig too! Sending loads of purrs to Lita....

  12. Buddy has a heated bed that we try to snag when he is following Dad around. Keep warm Carmine. We put a link to Melita's end of life fund on our bloggie. Love you too little friend.
    Sending purrs to you all
    Timmy and Family

  13. That's so great that Mom got her writing gig back, Carmine! We are purring and praying for Lita.

  14. Anything that brings in a few $$ is a good thing these days. We hope Lita is doing OK.

    All our love,

    Dash Kitten and Marjorie

  15. Glad that your Mom got to her writing once again.

    I like to lie on one of the laptops here, too. Or under the desk lamp...

    Sending lots of purrs and POTP.

    Hugs to your Mom.
