I'm coming off a fairly successful 2017 - 30 finished quilts {16 t-shirt quilts, 14 of my own} and a longarm purchase - so it's tempting to repeat the same goals as 2017.
Wildflower Log Cabin, made from scraps of a 2011 sampler
Focusing on UFOs helped me finish ten projects that were started from 2011-2016, and most of my small finishes were things that were hanging around for a year or more. But... It wasn't really fun to not really start anything new this year. Of the four new finished quilts, two were planned in 2016, and one was a commissioned quilt.
The Best of the PacNW was really the only brand new project of 2017.
Which kind of sucks, creatively - I didn't spend very much time pulling fabrics and planning out patterns and that kind of thing. I wasn't able to join Meadow Mist Designs' Mystery Quilt even though I knew the design was gorgeous. {She has a sneak peek option, which is awesome!}
So that's what I want to change in 2018, and I've already made some small steps toward adding new projects back into my rotation. First, I bugged Jennie until she designed some new patterns just for me. {Okay, maybe also for the rest of you. And check out her Tulip QAL!}
I joined a private Bee on Instagram, so I get to pull a variety of fabrics and try a new block every month. Hosting BOMs Away helps excuse "adding" another project like that. I may have collected an actual full month of Block of the Months now!
I'm going to do 18 in 2018, APQ's 12 UFOs, and Patchwork Times' 2018 UFO Challenge. But I'm lazy and there's no way I'm pulling down 12-18 boxes just to take a picture of each UFO. I'll add a monthly before/after picture. And I'm just going to work from the top down, rather than assigning a number and having to pull a box from the bottom just because it's number is up.
{My January OMG goal - definitely the Cars fabric box and a quilt for my nephew!}
I'm going to copy Confession of a Fabric Addict's Scrap Attack on the months that it interests me. {Double Wedding Ring does not. Using my bags of leftover HSTs does.} And again, I'm being lazy and not making my own plans.
I'm going to do 6&6 in 2018 - that way if something interests me throughout the year, I have an excuse to add it to the list. And since January is a "new project" month, I'm going to start Meadow Mist's mystery.
Not to mention the ever faithful t-shirt quilts, with two already waiting for the holiday season to finish up.
Oh, and I bought EQ to work on designing my own patterns. So THAT'S a pretty big goal!