Quilting and Playing

tn_FreeVintageImagesofChristmasClipArt31_jpgYes playing with fabric combinations and making tiny little paper pieces for the Hertfordshire Quilt.  I decided that for the time being I will do this quilt the English Paper Piecing method for accuracy – it doesn’t matter if it takes two years or more to make it – I have plenty of quilting to catch up on and a ton of projects to make.

I have the first 9 little squares drawn and cut out and ready to start whenever I get ready.  The first nine pieces will be from the jelly roll I showed last week – The jelly roll is from Betsy Chutchian and it is called “Rachel Remembered 1820-1850” appropriate eras of fabric

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The book gives great diagrams although tiny – all measurements of all finished units are provided too so you know you are on track for perfection – not something I always aim for but when you have a quilt with this many pieces it will help it all go together right.  Just so you know – if you are making this quilt or have the book you might want to note that two pieces are not labeled correctly – someone that is making the quilt let me know and I am letting you know – A2 should be A3 and A3 should be A2- got it?  this is a Quiltmania book and it is written in French and English.


I rolled Murrieta Stars down on Wednesday night and the last row of the stars is now in view – there are a couple wide borders left yet that you can’t see but I was surprised to see the first one in sight.  Linking to Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Busy Hands Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts.

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It is going quickly with the big stitch quilting

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13 comments… add one
  • Wendy Dec 22, 2017 @ 6:35

    Nice colors in that jelly roll! Your Murietta Stars is coming along so nicely. I enjoyed seeing it on your quilting frame. What a nice set up!

    • Karen Dec 22, 2017 @ 7:17

      they are nice for this quilt and well blend with all the other colors I picked out pretty well I think.

  • Carole Dec 22, 2017 @ 7:49

    Your hand quilting is just wonderful!! That is a gorgeous quilt.

    • Karen Dec 22, 2017 @ 8:22

      thanks! I will be glad to get this flannel quilt off the quilting frame and hope I do by the end of January so it will still be cold enough to use it this winter – otherwise it will sit aside until next year LOL

  • Vicki W Dec 22, 2017 @ 8:40

    Wow, that quilt is going really quickly!

    • Karen Dec 22, 2017 @ 9:29

      I started quilting October 19th and have 66 hours in it so far I hope to have it done by the end of January, it does seem to be going fast though I agree with you

  • Dottie bishaw Dec 22, 2017 @ 8:45

    Thank you for telling about the correction, I wouldn’t have known otherwise. Boy, the pieces are tiny, aren’t they? Did you have to add one fourth inch allowance to the one and eleven sixteenth blocks? I’m glad you’re doing this quilt, you’ll probably save me from a lot of mistakes. Your posts will be nice to read before I do the different steps. The colors are so pretty in that jelly roll, love them. Wow, you must have been so happy to start to see the end of Murrieta Stars! Did you bake your chilled cookie dough?

    • Karen Dec 22, 2017 @ 9:37

      Dottie the 1 and 11/16th inch measurement for the center squares has the seam allowance in it – if you are doing EPP like I am doing you need to subtract that when making your templates for those squares. All of the rest of the templates in the book are made for EPP so if you are machine stitching or hand piecing you need to add a seam allowance to it. I think they made that part kind of confusing for some people. I know I had to reread the directions several times to realize that the center squares were not with the templates in the book. I need to bake the cookies today – sometime!

  • Diann Bottrell Dec 22, 2017 @ 10:04

    That is pretty fabric in that jelly roll! I’ll enjoy seeing your progress making those blocks! I find that I really like having a slow project to work on over time like that. (Although mine are all machine pieced.) And congratulations on seeing that last row of stars, too. That must be a good feeling!

    • Karen Dec 22, 2017 @ 10:31

      I almost always seem to have a long term project or two going on by hand and then make machine pieced quilts that go faster at the same – I really need to get back to machine piecing the bird quilt too I only have 12 blocks made and really need to double that at least

  • Kate Heads Dec 22, 2017 @ 12:12

    Such tiny pieces in the Hertfordshire quilt, you have lots of patience to do that one, but it will be lovely in those fabrics when it is done. I do like the elongated honeycomb quilting on Murrieta Stars, lovely.

    • Karen Dec 22, 2017 @ 18:20

      Yes patience will be needed!! Bit by bit round by round of the medallion is the way I am looking at it – all stored in one big bag until it is done.
      Murrieta Stars is going much quicker than I thought it would be – good thing because there are 5 waiting in line to be quilted!

  • The Joyful Quilter Dec 23, 2017 @ 12:42

    The quilting looks FANTASTIC, Karen!!!

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