A Horse is a Horse of Course of Course ...
Yeah, probably dating myself with that one 😂. Pleased to say that I have really made some progress with the horse quilt! The horse head emerges So far, it definitely looks best from a distance. This is a quilt made from an image I purchased on the internet (and got the original artists approval to make into a quilt pattern). The story begins here and continues here . I am now about half-way through the quilt top, have learned a TON and am excited to keep going and get this baby finish. Some details on the nostril and bridle It is slow going. There is a lot of detail in some of the blocks. There are 16 different fabrics and I am using the chart on the wall to translate what is on the printed pattern pieces to the colors I have selected. Fabric selection I am doing this a bit different than regular paper piecing. I am using freezer paper which I am having to trace from the pieces that I have printed out. This is an extra step. But, since I have crea...