It felt good to get back to the hand quilting on Murrieta Stars but I didn’t push it and stuck with one hour only and made good progress – quilting a grid goes fast for me. This is a good beginning on the second half of the quilt.

I picked out pieces of wool for the rest of each egg and decided to just have one side with a design this time around and call it quits for trying to get more done for the holiday season – I will try to start getting these put together today. Linking to Busy Hands Quilts — Confessions of a Fabric Addict — Crazy Mom Quilts .

And when I sit down for 5 minutes here and there I pick up the crochet hook and yarn and get some rows done on the shawl – it is supposed to be 90 inches long – I have not checked what it is right now!

I think no one liked the pattern I showed yesterday LOL – but I will show you the fabric when I get it and I think at least some of you will agree it is nice. I might get it on Saturday or Monday I think. It was so chilly yesterday and will be again today – winter has arrived in Arkansas. It was only a high of 41 yesterday at my house and finally had a freeze woke up yesterday to 30 degrees – and last night in the low 20’s! we go from no freeze to frozen LOL – only a couple days – Sunday back in the 50’s and nights back in the 30’s. I got my hair cut and highlights yesterday – she got it a bit lighter than it had been which hadn’t been the plan – but hair color grows out right. I had asked for a few more highlights and I think she didn’t quite understand I didn’t mean as many as I got. I wasn’t counting. The cut was great though.
Craftsy’s 12 Days of Craftsy Sale continues Day 8 is today.
Today’s deal for quilters is 60% off one Boundless or Lily & Loom item with the code given in the promo on the link above. (60% would be off of the original price – a pretty good bargain)
Karen-LOL…you’re right! That pattern really was a strange one! No one is going to scarf at free fabric though…I never win ANY of those drawings…book blogs or quilt blogs. Started Bonnie Hunter’s mystery quilt (BAD time of year for that one!) & when she has a drawing, the #’s are staggering. Susan
I have put in for a lot of drawings over the years for quilting and I have been very lucky I admit – never have won one of Bonnie’s like you say the numbers are staggering – I am uploading the instructions on that mystery in case I decide to do it later
I’m looking forward to seeing your wool eggs finished. The appliqued flowers are so pretty. We are supposed to get some snow here tonight. 🙁
I’m trying to figure out how to get the decorative stitching on the seams but yet close the eggs up too – I will be fooling around with it today to see how to work it.
I have loved your Murietta Stars from when you were piecing it. The colors are so warm. And I am truly in awe of your hand quilting it. I know that I could not be as persistent to stick to it. You are amazing.
thank you Debbie – I guess I can stick with hand quilting as it is what I learned so many years ago and it was the only way I quilted for many years and still only machine quilt once in awhile. It used to take me a year to quilt a queen size quilt now I can usually do them in 3-5 months depending on the style – I like to use the quilts that is why I stick with it 🙂
You did great quilting that much in only an hour. I too was wondering how you were going to close the eggs with the decorative stitching. You’ll have to show us. My hair cut and color turned out great too. Your shawl seems to be growing, soon you’ll be using it. We had a freeze this morning, down to 27. I can’t believe down south in San Antonio and Austin they had 3 inches of snow and we didn’t get anything. I saw the snow on the news last night and it looked so pretty and fluffy. Stay warm and enjoy stitching your wool eggs.
I knew they had snow but hadn’t hear 3 inches! wow that must be more than they ever get in a total of 5 years!! it was 24 here this morning too cold for me. I have one wool egg stuffed and it does say to stuff and close up before you add the decorative stitching so I guess you pop the stitches in like you do with hand quilting. I think I will stuff them all first then work on the stitching.
Hey Karen… had to go back and read yesterday’s post upon reading this one… I made a similar quilt and loved it when I started it and loved the fabrics I used for it… then fell tired of it while making it… then gifted it away when hand quilting was finished on it and now I miss it! lol oh well such is life… do what makes you happy… I use bag balm instead of vaseline for rough spots and sore areas from over quilting.. but if vaseline works it may be cheaper for ya too.. it just wasn’t enough for me and didn’t soak in with a good rub in for me…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you are doing your wool eggs.. and I love your donation quilt.. I hope it raises lots of $$ for the cause it is for 😀
Keep up alll the good work and can’t wait to see what is up next for you.. are you getting snow today??? we are due to get a chill from that cold front moving south! Brrrr… lol!
Just packing cleaning painting fixing and preparing to have our house shown for the first time this coming weekend… wish us luck in selling!
no snow for us we are way north of that freak southern storm – we do have cold weather though – I think where you are planning to move in the state of NC though are in for some of the winter weather as well. good luck on the house
Karen que bien se ven esos huevos
they won’t be as fancy as the one’s in the pattern but I think I will make these to hang on the tree