Friday, December 8, 2017

Butterfly Meadow Mystery Quilt

This post feels like it has been a long time coming.  Finally, I can say that the Butterfly Meadow Mystery quilt is finished (it's actually been finished for a few weeks).  Let's start back at the beginning then zip to the end, shall we?

Earlier in the summer, David was contacted by a past student and asked if it was possible to commission us to make a quilt for him.  We wanted us to make a birthday present for his wife and David was very quick to jump to an answer of yes.  His only requests where, lots of pink, butterflies and a breast cancer ribbon.

After some back and forth with ideas, he really liked the look of Cheryl's Meadow Mystery Quilt after seeing a finished version of David's.  Meanwhile, I stumbled across some beautiful pink and green butterfly fabrics that we would use to pull colors from for the quilt.  All was coming along swimmingly.  The piecing went quite quick for David.  The quilter on the other hand...well she got a bit carried away.

I really really wanted to custom quilt the snot out of this quilt....and that is exactly what I did.  I used five different colors of Aurifil 50wt thread in the quilting of this quilt; 2021 Natural White, 2610 Light Blue Grey, 1100 Red Plum, 2423 Baby Pink and 5017 Shining Green.

All of the quilting was done on my Handi Quilter Sweet Sixteen and I used several different curved and straight rulers to add dot to dot quilting.  How about I let the thread and quilt speak for itself in the next few pictures.  Most have appeared on the blog already, but I thought it might be nice to have them all in once place.

I chose to go with a simple pink binding to finish things off.  If you are paying close attention, you may notice that the binding fabric isn't actually used in the piecing of the quilt.  However, I think it pulls from all the pink shades used in the quilt, justifying its use.

As a final little additive,  we included a label for the back of the quilt.  I give credit to many conversations with my dear friend Julie (Pink Doxies) for my new found understanding as to why quilt labels are important.  Talking with her about her efforts to document and research quilts really has brought this to my attention.  Now future generations will know; who the quilt was for, when and why it was gifted, the pattern/designer of the quilt and the makers.

I was able to take the quilt out for a photo shoot at our local walking park.  It was a fun evening, spent laughing with a dear friend (best quilt holder ever) that I don't get to spend near enough time with.  She herself is a breast cancer survivor as well, so it meant the world that she could help me photograph this quilt.

I hope the new owners love the quilt as much as we do.  I feel bad that my quilty wants turned this quilt into a birthday Christmas gift.  But those fabrics were screaming at me to quilt them this way.  Next time, I probably wouldn't quilt it this heavily, okay, who am I kidding, if you give me free reign, I'm gonna use it.

Oh, and for those that might remember this...

the blue piece of fabric that I accidently stitched to the back of the quilt...David very patiently cut it out of the quilt so that I didn't have to unpick the stitches.  Thanks goodness for David, I was going to use it as a quilt label opportunity.

Hopefully, this will not be the last finish of the year for me, time sure it ticking away.  There are several exciting things brewing over here that I can't tell you about quite yet, but know that I am busting to!!!

I do think the UFO Busting Party is going to be a go next year (I have a party button designed, I have to do it right?).  I'm thinking we will start things out in January, with a Quilty Confession addition, and talk about our UFO's (and works in progress).  I think before we can start tackling them we need to be honest with ourselves and figure out just how many we have.  So start rounding up all your unfinished projects and let's have a group therapy session next month.

Today I'm linking up with Main Crush Monday, TGIFF, Finished or Not Friday, and Can I Get a Whoop! Whoop!


1. Jayne said...

Your quilting!! Stunning! I admire how you are able to fill a quilt with a design. I know it will be cherished and loved whenever she gets it! Interesting new linky you are planning...UFO' certainly don't have any of those, do you?! LOL

2. Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The quilt is stunning, Tish, and I love how the ribbon in the center stands out and looks pieced from a distance. I'm sure it will be loved and treasured.

3. Paige said...

Awesome, Tish! Love the colors and the quilting, it's beautiful!

4. time4stitchn said...

I love the pattern of your Meadow Mist quilt. She does such great designs. But your fabric selections make it even better. The cherry on top is of course, your quilting. Truly remarkable. I am envious.

5. Nancy J said...

this is so beautiful, the centre piece, the butterflies, and how the colours there are picked up in the quilt, I do like the green as well. This will be treasured so much, and what a fab joint project.

6. Susan said...

This quilt turned out fantastic! Love the color placement, and your choice of quilting designs.

7. Beausoleil Quilts said...
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8. Beausoleil Quilts said...
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9. Puppilalla said...

Hi Tish,
Thank you for showing us so many lovely pictures of your quilt. It did turn out a stunner and your quilting is fantastic. =) I am all for the tackle the UFOs mission next year. I even refrained from joining a quilting bee just so I would not get distracted.

10. Stitchin At Home said...

The quilting is gorgeous Tish!! You really out did yourself on this one, the ribbon is a beautiful touch.

11. Lynette said...

Oh - WOW! You know what, you did exactly what this quilt needed. It's really marvelous that the two of you create quilts together. I would love to collaborate with my hubby like this. He's a woodworker, though, so his hobby time is heavily spoken for. I know he'd be game for it, otherwise. At least once, anyway. :) That binding pink is very nice on it - stands out a perfect smidge without clashing. That blue scrap was well-quilted on! It must have taken him a long time to snip it off. And the UFO party - let's do it! I actually already know exactly how many I have - it's substantial! I'm always game for ways to motivate their progress.

12. Louise said...

Beautiful, heart-felt quilt, Tish! I'm sure it will give warmth and comfort.

13. KaHolly said...

Tish, it’s absolutely stunning and the recipients will be over the moon. You and David make an awesome team!

14. Vicki in MN said...

Love everything about this quilt-nice work you two!!

15. Leanne Parsons said...

My goodness, Tish! That quilting is amazing!! Cheryl's design is beautiful and the fabrics you guys chose work so well together and then the quilting just takes it clear over the top. What an amazing job :)

16. Sharon said...

WOW, Tish! this is gorgeous, and I love the way you quilted the snot out of it!

17. Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

The quilting is amazing. It's a beautiful quilt. I'll play along with the link up in January -- I think my goal to get all WIPs finished before the end of the year is not going to be achieved. Sigh....

18. Sandy Panagos said...

What a lovely photo shoot of a very special quilt. Your quilting is really beautiful on this quilt. It will surely be treasured.

19. Lisa J. said...

Hi Tish: It's a beautiful quilt and post ...I just might join in on your UFO busting . My life is a little overwhelming at the moment but I'm thinking things will settle down a bit by then.

20. Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

The matchstick quilting had me drooling, and the crosshatch had me swooning....the quilting is FAN-TAB-U-LOUS!!! It's a beautiful quilt, and you got some great pictures. Thanks so much for sharing!

21. Gayle Bong said...

Thanks for the boatload of pictures. Wish I could quilt like that.It's great.

22. Sue said...

This is such a lovely quilt, Tish, and great photos too! For a minute there I thought you'd leapt ahead and shown us this years Mystery quilt early.

23. Cheryl said...

Absolutely stunning quilting! It is so fabulous!

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