Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2017


Pink und gaaaanz viel Glitzer gabs zum Geburtstag!


heARTful stamping "AG + a stamp"

addicted to CAS

crafty catz "AG twist CAS"

cute card "AG"

fabn funky "pretty in pink"

creatalicious "AG opt. make your own BG"

stamps: Stempelbar
cs: SU
colors: SU ink, Memento tuxedo black, Copics
rhinestones: from stock
others: dimensionals, wink of stella glitterpen, stickles

5 Kommentare:

  1. Awww.. I love unicorns! And your background too. Thank you for joining us at Creatalicious Challenge

  2. Fabulous background for your glittered unicorn, Beate. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Addicted to CAS.

  3. Adorable and thanks for sharing at CC this week good luck in the draw and hope to see you back very soon.

  4. Oh this makes me smile! Congrats on winning Top 3 over at heARTful stamping challenge this week!

  5. That background really gives the card a lot of sophistication for such a playful stamp. Thanks for joining us for this week's HeARTful Stamping Challenge!


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